"I don't think it has any harmful hex or charm on it," he said after a while. He had checked in every way he knew how to do it and all the results had come back negative. He reached out with a hand, keeping his wand ready just in case, and tried to open the box. To his bafflement, it remained firmly shut.

"Somezing wrong, Dumbly-dorr?" Madame Maxime asked sharply as she eyed the box mistrustfully. She had taken care to position herself between the box and the students from her school, which were two tables away.

"Not really," the headmaster said pensively. "I can't open the box."

"I think that counts as something wrong, Dumbledore," Karkaroff snarked impatiently.

"Maybe not, if I'm not the one who's meant to open it," Dumbledore said, turning his gaze towards Harry. The boy was standing a couple of feet away, next to his friends and the other Gryffindors who had been ushered away by their head of house.

Harry blinked startled when he found himself the focus of a pair of twinkling blue eyes. "Me?" He blurted out shocked, pointing at himself. He looked behind him, half hoping that the old man was looking at someone else.

"You want a school boy to open a box with unknown contents that had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of your school, Albus?" Crouch asked, not looking too happy with the prospect.

"It has his name on it, Barty. It was clearly meant for him," Dumbledore nodded. "It stands to reason that whoever went to such lengths to send him this package, managing to bypass the wards around the castle, would make sure that he would be the only one able to reveal its contents."

"Bloody fantastic," the boy cursed under his breath. This was the last thing he needed. He had just wanted to see who the champions were and celebrate with his friends, trying to guess what they would have to face.

"C'mon, mate," Ron said, clapping his shoulder in support. "Better get it over with."

"That's easy for you to say," Harry huffed, tightening his grip on his wand as he walked closer.

He closed the distance to the box and opened it without problem. There wasn't any kind of mystical glow or anything. He didn't know what had stopped Dumbledore from opening it, but he felt nothing. He looked inside apprehensively, half expecting to see something horrible and half expecting to see a treasure. The last thing he thought he would see was...

"Books?" He exclaimed. "They've sent me books?"

"What kind of books?" Hermione asked curiously as she peeked over his shoulder.

"I'm not sure. It says..." Harry grabbed the one that was on top, a red one, and looked at the cover, trailing off as he read the title. "Harry Potter and..."

"And?" Moody snapped when he didn't continue.

"I don't know," Harry frowned, turning the book around to show it to them. "It's all blurry. I can't read it." It reminded him of how he saw when he didn't have his glasses.

"All the books are like that," Ron said, pulling them out of the box and inspecting a dark blue one. They were all in different widths and colours, but the title was the same one.

"And they're all blank," Dumbledore observed, having opened a purple one. Snape was examining a green one and McGonagall was frowning at the one in her hands, a black one with the title in white.

If he was honest with himself, Harry was glad about that. With that title, it was likely that those books were about him and that creeped the hell out of him. He didn't want any books —any more books, at least— written about him. He was mentioned in too many of them already and he didn't like it.

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