"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."

"Do to."

"Do not."

"Ha you said do not." I told her and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"You tricked me." She said accusingly and I shrugged.

"You fell for it." I replied and she just stuck her tongue out at me again. "Come on. I want you to meet Kat. Your boyfriend can come too." She said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend Hope." I told her yet again. "I'll meet you at the Aphrodite cabin then." I sighed reluctantly. Trust me the amount of perfume in and around the Aphrodite cabin is enough the choke anybody. Hope nodded and ran in the direction of the Aphrodite cabin as I made my way over to Nico.

"Care to come to the Aphrodite cabin with me?" I asked Nico leaning against the pole next to his.

"Not really but I'll come." Nico answered pushing himself off his post with his propped up leg and I did the same, but without the leg. The two of us began to head towards the Aphrodite cabin.

"The first and last time I dared to go to the Aphrodite cabin they literally tied me up and didn't release me until they'd completely given me a huge makeover. One of the worst mistakes I ever made." I told him shuddering at the memory. Trust me, a makeover by the Aphrodite cabin may sound nice but it's horrible. Nico smiled slightly in amusement before grimacing.

"They tried to dress me up completely in pink once. That was until I threatened to send skeletons to destroy all their clothes." Nico said and I laughed.

"I can imagine their reactions to that."

"You could say they don't particularly like me now."

"That doesn't surprise me." I replied as we reached the Aphrodite cabin.

"Arabelle's here." I heard Hope shout as she ran outside to grab my wrist and drag me inside.i could hear Nico chuckle slightly as he followed behind. As the three of us headed through the cabin a few of the Aphrodite kids glared slightly at Nico.

Eventually, Hope's dragging ceased as we reached a room with only one person inside. The girl had straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She was clearly an Aphrodite kid, her designer clothes and perfect features sort of proved that, but she didn't really seem as snobby as some of the others.

"Arabelle this is Kat, Kat this is Arabelle." Hope introduced us pointing at each one of us as she said our names.

"Hi Arabelle." Kat greeted me smiling.

"Hey." I greeted her back giving her a faint smile in return. She then turned and gave Nico a questioning glance.

"Nico di Angelo." He told her and she made a noise of recognition.

"I know who you are. My sister all keep going on about you since you got back earlier today. Most going on about how they should hide all of their clothes." Kat said sounding amused.

"Your not really like your sisters are you?" I asked Kat.

"Gods no. They can be so annoying constantly whining about each other, their clothes, none existent smudges in their makeup, their hair. They never shut up." Kat sighed glancing around at all the pink in the room. "I also completely and utterly hate pink." She finished and it looked like Hope was about to say something when a boy ran in.

He looked to be a year older than Hope at most with messy blonde hair and blue eyes rather like Kat's. I noticed Hope begin to blush and shift so she was slightly hidden behind me out of the corner of my eye. "Hey Kat-" The boy started then stopped mid sentence when he spotted Hope before starting again. "Hey Kat are you heading to lunch soon?"

"Yeah, I'll be five minutes Ryan." Kat told the boy who smiled to Hope then ran back out the room.

"Is he your full brother? He looks like you." I asked Kat who nodded.

"He's my twin. I'm older by five minutes though." She replied as Hope slightly shifted from behind me as if she had never tried to hide.

"So Hope..." I said teasingly purposely dragging it out. She blushed bright red and ran out the room.

"I am so getting them together." Kat muttered to herself before giving the two of us an apologetic smile. "I'm going to head to the pavilion(?)." Kat told us.

"Alright bye." I said to Kat. She nodded before running out of the room.

"What is it with all these kids and running?" I asked Nico who shrugged.

"Who knows." He replied as the two of us headed out of the Aphrodite cabin and into fresh, clean, unperfume contaminated air. I briefly glanced across at Nico and inaudibly sighed.

Should I?

Should I not?

Should I?

Should I not?

Aww, what the heck? I inaudibly sighed and loosely wrapped my arms around Nico, hugging him but not as tightly as your usual hug. It was for two reasons: I still don't trust my self control and mainly for Nico but also me slightly; personal contact.

After a second he loosely returned the hug.

I don't really know how long we stood there but it was definitely a while, both of us just content with where we were. "Thank you." I mumbled to Nico.

"What for?" He asked back.

"Everything from the day I met you." I told him before releasing myself from the hug. I glanced back at Nico once before allowing light to form around me and teleport me to the pavilion(?)

AN: Sorry for the wait... And all the new characters :( I hope you all liked it though. THEY HUGGED!!! Ok... It's not that big of a deal but THEY DID HUG!!

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