Chapter 2 - Seattle Bound

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*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep*

I yawn softly, my face smashed against my pillow. "Shushhf da fmmck umpf!"

*Beep Beep* 

Grunting, I roll over to slam my hand down onto the contraption making that aggravating racket. I sit up slowly and bring my arms up into a satisfying stretch, yawning as I glance around my dimly lit room the over at the alarm clock. It reads 5:01am. 

"What fresh hell am I living?" I ask, pushing my messy bed hair from my eyes. 

I shove the thick, grey blankets from my body and throw my legs over the edge of the bed. I grab my phone from the bedside table. Getting up a little too quickly, my head spins but I'm quick to steady myself on the dresser in front of me. 

I walk around the bed to one of the two big, white doors that stand there. Opening the door, I reveal to myself a large, grey tiled room. My bathroom. I step in and shut the door, a clean and folded pair of clothes sit atop the clothes basket. A pair I prepared early yesterday. I grab my towel from the towel rack, setting my phone down on the sink and head over to start the shower. A warm and inviting steam rises as I start to strip my clothes then jump in.

After 15 minutes of vigorous scrubbing and jamming out, I finally step onto the fluffy bath mat, taking my towel to dry the water dripping from my hair and body. Having finished that, I slip into my chosen outfit, a pair of blue denim shorts and a black tank top. Grabbing my phone, I open up my music app, setting my only playlist, 'MuSiC', onto shuffle. The first song that plays is I'll be good, Jaymes Young. Excellent! Then comes the daily routine, a series of face scrubs and moisturiser. Of course no make-up because I'm not into that.

                                                                                          * * *

I sit on the lounge, slipping my black converse high tops onto my feet. I arranged for an Uber to come pick me up, the estimated arrival time is 6:26am. Looking down at my phone, sitting on the low coffee table, I see it's currently 6:20am. 

Ding! A notification pops up on my phone. 'Your Uber has arrived!'  Standing up, I make my way over to the window, slowly pulling back the curtains to peek outside. Sure enough a silver sedan pulls up along the gutter, giving a small honk to tell me he's here. I step away and head back over to the lounge where my luggage sits. First I slip on my backpack then grab my suitcase. I head for the front door, making sure to lock it on my way out.

I start down the walk way, stopping when I get to the car. Opening up the back door, I pop my luggage in first before jumping in myself.

"Hello." A British voice says. "To the LA International Airport?" The man asks, looking back at me with a charming smile.

I blush a little. He's quite good looking. "Yep, off to Pax this weekend." I return his smile with my own.  

"Oh Pax!" He say, turning back to start the car. "My flight to Seattle leaves later tonight! Wow, maybe we'll see each other." He laughs.

I laugh with him. 'Does that mean he wants to see me again?' Not gonna lie, the thought excites me. "Yeah maybe."

"The name's Liam by the way."


"Pretty." He says before driving off down the street.

We talked the whole way there. We talked about video games and sport and our favourite things. Liam was actually surprisingly nice compared to other Uber driver's I've had. Alas, the 40 minutes were up and I stepped into the warm air, checking the time. 7:04am. Turning back, I saw that Liam, while leaving the car running, had jumped out to retrieve my luggage from the back seat. I grabbed my backpack as he grabbed my suitcase. Then walking around the back of the car, he came to a stop in front of me, leaving my suitcase at my toes.

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