Chapter 13: Say You're Sorry

Start from the beginning

     "Rosie, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you-" I turned around and slammed my lips onto his, shutting him up. It seemed like hours, we stayed like that before I pulled away and looked at him, completely surprised by what I've done. His expression mirrored mine and his lips slowly curled into a smile. 

     "You still-" 

     I cut him off. "Yes I do! And what about you?! You went and hook up with some girl who I absolutely not like and then hurt me over and over and over and over again! What is wrong with you?! Make up your mind! Do you love me or not? If you do, then stop hurting me! I may love you, but I am human too! I can't deal with so much hurt, no matter how good I am with hiding my emotions, Heath! I thought you moved on when you started dating Vicky and then now you tell me you love me? That is cruel, Heath!" 

     I was already crying then. 

     "I'm sorry Rosie...I don't deserve you. You ran away with me months ago just for me, you agreed to be an agent and put your life at risk just for me, you faced too much for me. But I still love you, Rosie. It kills me to realize that. You deserve so much more than a royal, you deserve happiness. So I tried hurting you, I thought it would be much more easier for you to hate me than loving me while getting hurt. Every night after you cry yourself to sleep, I would come to your room just to see those dry tears on your cheeks and know it's all my fault. Tonight when you came to rescue me again, I realize I just love you too much. I'm selfish, Rosie. I love you too much that I no longer want to lose you." 

     After hearing Heath's lengthy explanation/confession, it was like a dam broke inside me and the tears just came flowing out. Heath jumped off the counter and went to put his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. 

     "I love you so much, Heath...I hate you." 

     I heard him stiffled a laugh as he slowly pulled away and then realization hit me. Even though Heath and I were on good terms again, he was still technically dating Vicky and we had just kissed. And we were not together. 

     "You can't keep leading Vicky on. She'll hate you. Hell, I'll hate you." 

     "I'm very aware that Vicky's going to dump me like her last boyfriend sooner or later. So... we'll have a few minutes to shower and then face the music, 'kays?" 


     Apparently Autumn was in the middle of explaining the truth or what we were and why we were in town, when Heath and I entered the room at the same time. My hair was washed throughly so it was still wet and kinda wavy. I didn't bother to put on very nice clothes so I just wore my oversized 'I love food' shirt and sweats. Heath somehow had the same idea as I because his hair was messy(cute!) and still wet. He wore his 'I love eating' shirt and a pair of baggy pants. 

     " guys kissed and made up yet?" Terrance said it out loud without thinking twice. I slapped a hand to my forehead as Vicky's eyes widened like they were gonna pop out any minute. Terrance then realized his mistake and started to mutter some excuses but Vicky stood up from her seat and started screaming. I guess she had never been cheated...

     "Incest! Incest!" She kept screaming on the top of her lungs. Zac gave her an annoyed look before covering her mouth with his hand and pulling her back down to the sofa. 

     "Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale." Zac repeated. Eventually Vicky calmed down and became silent as she observed the situation. 

     "Since you two are already here, why not you two explain the whole thing to our dear Vicky and Zac over here?" Autumn raised an eyebrow at us and I saw Heath gulped. Tasha Mae realized that lots of screamings and questions were coming so she stood up and said, "I'm getting popcorn!" With that, she left the room. I swear, the blondie became more mischevious after coming back from the dead. 

     I sighed and took a seat beside Heath. I guess it was only fair that Zac and Vicky knew what was going on. After all, they did seen someone died tonight. "Okay so...we're not siblings." At this point, Vicky jumped up from her seat and shouted "I knew it! You guys may have the same hair and same eye color, but I knew it anyways!" Geez, did she want an award or something?

     "And...Heath and I are...," what were we? "Almost boyfriend and girlfriend." Well, that was awkward. 

     "You guys can just go and say you're together, you know?" Vicky said bluntly. Huh, I might like her a little bit, after all. 

     "And we're not ordinary teenagers." Here's the main point, I thought. "We're running away from enemies. Autumn, Terrance and I are from a spy agency who protect royalties." Vicky's eyes widened once more as she glanced at Heath. "Yes, Heath is royalty." 

     At the same moment, Tasha Mae came back from the kitchen and flopped down to the seat next to me. She really went and grabbed popcorn! "So where does blondie over there fit in all this?" Vicky pointed at Tasha Mae. 

     Tasha Mae flinched slightly and glared at her. "You're blonde too, you know? Heath's arranged wife." 

     "And we're running from a killer, who's trying to steal Heath's crown." 

     "You guys are WHAT?" Vicky and Zac shouted at the same time. 

     Heath and I looked at each other and knew that we had a lot of explaining to do, while Tasha laughed beside me. 

     "You have explaning to do too, miss blondie." Autumn shut Tasha up. Tasha gave a pout, making all of us smirked.



"Who sent you to poison Heath? Speak!" I shouted at Willow. She gave a menancing glare before reaching into her pocket and thrusted something cold and sharp into my side. 

"I hate this job..." I muttered before falling to the ground and blacked out.


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