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"If you are Tyrion Lannister, why should I not kill you. Pay your family back for what it did to mine," Daenerys spoke firmly as she sat upon her high throne in Meereen, which she had taken command of after killing the lords and setting their slaves free three moons ago.

"If revenge against the Lannister is what you desire, I may be the wrong son. I killed my mother on the day I was born, disgraced my father for what I am and later killed him as I shot an arrow through his heart as he sat shitting. I am the greatest Lannister killer of all time."

"So I should welcome you into my service because you killed members of your own family?"

"Into your service? Your grace, we have just met, it is still too early to decide whether you deserve my service."

"If you'd rather be sent to the fighting pits, just say the word," she smiled coldly.

Tyrion quickly bowed his head and took a deep breath in before taking a step closer to the throne. "When I was a child, a heard a story about a girl born during the worst storm in history. She had no wealth, no lands, no army, only a name and a hand full of supporters, most of whom probably thought they could use that name to their own benefit. So they kept her alive, moving her from place to place, often hours ahead of the men who had been sent to kill her. She was eventually sold off to some war Lord at the edge of the world, and that was that. Then a few years later, a man well informed told me that the girl with no wealth, no land or no army, had somehow acquired all three in a very short span of time, along with three dragons. He thought she was our best and last chance to build a better world. So I thought you were worth meeting at the very least".

"And why are you worth meeting? Why should I spend my time listening to you?"

"Because your grace, I drink and I know things."

Meanwhile, back in Kings Landing it was the day of Cersei's trial. As the city readied itself for the biggest event since the purple wedding, she dressed in her chambers and looked out across the city.

"Once the Queen mother's trial is over, your brother will be free to leave," The high septon whispered to Maergray.

"Then where is she?" she hissed back.

Back in the Red Keep Tommen prepared to leave his room when the mountain appeared at his door. Quickly Tommen jumped back, afraid  of the monstrous man as he shut the door and locked it from the outside.

"Cersei is not here! Tommen is not here! All those in her circle or close to her are not here! Why do you think that is?" Maergary continued to hiss at the man.

"If she does not arrive, the trial will still go ahead and she will face justice."

"Cersei is not here. You are not listening to me. She is smart, she understands the consequences of not attending, but still she does not and it is because she does not intend to face justice. We all need to leave, right now!"

The high Septor only laughed at the young queen and shook his head. Meanwhile, under the tunnels of Kings Landing, the green liquid of the wild fire potions dripped towards the Sept, where a single candle sat slowly melting to the ground. Still unknown to what Cersei truly had planned. Maergary called out to the crowd and grabbed her brother. "We all need to leave now. Loras, keep close to me!"

Suddenly, everyone within the Sept began charging for the exit, but the militant of the faith quickly blocked their path.

"Let me through! Let me through! I am the queen!" Maergary commanded as she tried to push through.

It was too late though. As Maergary turned back to look at The High Septon, the unbeknown candle below their feet melted away, lighting the wild fire and exploding the Sept with it.

Further north, in the freezing conditions at Castle Black, Natari awoke from a deep sleep gasping for air. "It's okay Natari. You are safe now sweet sister," Jon whispered as he sat on the edge of her bed and gently stroked her head.

"Where am I?" she choked as she pulled her aching body from the bed and looked at the faces staring back at her.

Stood around the room was Davos, Tormund, Lady Melisandre, Beric, Thoros and Sandor, although Natari only knew Sandor and the brotherhood men.

"You're at Castle Black Nat. We found you some miles north of Winterfell. You were half dead, but you'll be okay now," Jon smiled softly.

"Child, how did you survive the fire which burnt down Winterfell?" The woman with the red hair and foreign accent asked.

Natari opened her mouth as though to speak and looked at Jon. She then caught Sandor's eyes which were staring right at her from behind the group and slowly he shook his head with a grim face.

"I wish to speak with my brother alone... and Sandor..." Natari announced.

Slowly they all left the room. When only Natari, Jon and Sandor were left, Sandor stepped closer to the bed and looked her up and down.

"What happened Nat?" Jon asked.

"I don't know. I should be dead like the rest, burnt alive. Jon... the fire left me unharmed, it must be the blood of our father. The dragon's blood. There is no other explanation."

Jon quickly looked back at Sandor, worried over the words she spoke in front of the man.

"It is fine Jon. I trust him with my life. Our family and he are the only ones we can trust now." 

"What's this dragon blood, what am I missing here?" Sandor grunted.

Jon sighed and explained the truth of their real parents. By the time he had finished Sandor was sat on the end of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Jon, can you leave me with Sandor for a moment, please? We can talk more later, but I am tired and need to rest," Natari asked once Jon had finished explaining.

Again Jon looked suspiciously at Sandor before finally nodding and walking out of the room. When he closed the door behind him, Sandor finally looked up at Natari.

"You hate me?" She sighed.

"No woman, I don't hate you," he grumbled.

"But you are angry at me for leaving, which is just. Sandor, I am sor-"

"Don't woman. I don't wanna hear it," he interrupted as she quickly shut mouth and looked down at her hands.

"Will you at least stay with me? Just for a little while. I don't wish to be alone right now," she whispered.

"Now? Now you want me to stay? Now you don't want to be alone?" he scoffed.

"I do not feel safe here Sandor. I know you are angry at me, but I also know you would never let harm come to me."

"You'll never be safe with the blood you have. No matter if I'm here or not. Why did you not tell me?"

"I had other things-"

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. Other missions, more important things ahead, your sisters, your brothers. Well, now you have em all back. You must be pleased with yourself. Everything you wanted has worked out."

"Don't be like that, please. I have put my own happiness and safety aside, yes for my family, but do not insult me with such cruel words, surely not even I deserve that?"

"Then what is it? What is it that would make you happy, make you safe?"

"You!" she cried loudly.

"Aye, and you had me for a while woman, but I won't be your fool no longer. Not again."

Quickly, Sandor stormed out of the room and left a crying Natari sat up in bed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as he slammed the door behind him.

The Forest Child {Sandor Clegane Story}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora