Rival ?

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After we finished cleaning, Shiki and I went to sit in front of the TV while we ate the slices of pizza that remained in the fridge while Snowball was wandering around the house.

Shiki: Look like he gets used quickly.

(F/N): That's what I was thinking.

The afternoon went at a crazy speed and before I realized it was already dark.

I put the drops in the eyes of Snowball who was lying on the couch and said good night to him before going to change and go to bed.

I slipped under the blanket while Shiki brought me back to him and hugged me.

Shiki: Good night my love.

He smiled at me.

(F/N): Good night Shiki.

We kissed before falling asleep.

The next day, we had to get up early to go to school.

We had breakfast and went to put our uniform on.

Shiki: Ready to go ?

(F/N): Wait, we have tu put the drops in Snowball's eyes and feed him.

Shiki: Oh yeah I forgot.

Shiki: Take care of is eyes and I will fill his bowls.

(F/N): Ok.

After taking care of Snowball, Shiki and I went to school.

Once arrived, Shiki kissed me and went to the third library.

I wandered around the gardens waiting for the bell to ring when suddently I heard a deep and seductive voice behind me.

?: What does a pretty lady like you do here alone ?

I turned to see a man with long hairs and beautiful blue eyes.

(F/N): Umm...

He approached me.

?: What a shame not to admire your beauty little lamb~

Little lamb ?!

(F/N): I-I...

?: By the way, my name is Ren, Ren Jinguji, nice to meet you, Lady~

He made me a seductive smile.

(F/N): I-I'm F/N, nice to meet you too...

He took my hand before kissing it.

(F/N): Wh-

?: F/N !

That voice...

?: F/N ! You're here ? I forgot to tell you that...

I turned my head to see Shiki looking at me with a shoked expression.

Shiki turned his head towards Ren with a hateful look.

Shiki: Who are you ?

Shiki approached us.

Shiki: What are you doing ?

His voice trembles with anger.

Shiki: Why are you holding her hand ?

I turned my head to see that Ren was still holding my hand.

Ren tightened his grip on my hand to keep me from moving it.

Ren: I don't like being disturbed when I'm with a lady.

Ren: Little lamb~ Don't you think that the presence of this man is unpleasant ?

Ren: I can get ride of him if you want.

He winked at me.

(F/N): I-

Shiki: You what !? And first who allowed you to call her "little lamb" ?!

Ren: I do not need the consent of anyone other than my Lady~

He drew me against him and approached his face from mine. 

He was so close that I could feel his breath mingling with mine.

He looked me in the eyes before talking.

Ren: Lady~ Do I have the right to prove you my love through these nicknames ?

(F/N): ?!

Shiki: You-

I saw Shiki rush towards Ren, trying to hit him in the face.

Ren stopped Shiki holding his fist with one hand.

Ren walked away from me before looking at Shiki.

Ren: Calm down, eggplant.

I saw Shiki's face turn red with anger.

Ren: It's rude to fight in front of a lady.

Shiki: Shut up ! And first of all, what do you want from her ?!

Ren: I'm just trying to become friends with this little lamb but maybe...

Ren: We will become more than friends.

He winked at me.

Shiki: Never !

Shiki: You will never become more than a friend to her !

Shiki: You will never even become a friend to her !

Ren: And why ?!

Shiki: Because she's mine !

Ren: No, she's not ! She is not a toy and you do not control her life !

Before Shiki can answer, the bell rang announcing the start of classes.

Shiki: *whispering* Damn it !

Ren: We'll settle it later.

After saying that, Ren went through the gardens and Shiki went back inside school.

I stayed there, motionless, for a few moment before joining my class.

I would not be able to say what the lesson was about because I was in my thoughts throughout the whole class.


End of the chapter !

Ren is a character from the anime Uta no Prince-sama.

If you had not watched Uta no Prince-sama, I advise you to do it because this anime is awesome and frankly deserves to be seen.

Hope you like this chapter.

Bye !


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