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Me and Shiki left the restaurant and went home.

We were both tired but we were happy to be together.

When we arrived home and we were both in pajamas, we went to bed.

Shiki insisted that I sleep with him.

I accepted without asked questions.

I snuggled against him and he hugged me.

I had the stranged feeling that he was nervous so I hugged him too.

This simple gesture seemed to have reassured him a little.

After a while, I fell asleep, still in his arms.

~~~ Shiki's pov ~~~

She fell asleep.

She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.


I don't want her to leave me but...

I can't hide the truth any longer...

I have to tell her...

I have to  tell her that I'm a fallen angel.

But I don't know how to tell her...

I thought about how to tell her, but after a while, I fell asleep, still in her arms.

Dance with Devils Shiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now