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When we arrived in front of the restaurant, I started to get stressed.

What should I eat ?

I don't want to risk having bad breath or having pieces of food stuck between my teeth.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Shiki opened the door and motioned me to follow him inside.

When I walked in, I was impressed by the interior of the restaurant, it was so elegant...

While I admired the decoration, Shiki approached the hostess who brought us to our table.

We sat down and talked while waiting for the hostess to bring us the menus.

(F/N): Have you been here before ?

Shiki: No, it's the first time but I hears that the food was very good.

While we were discussing, the hostess handed us the menus.

As I looked throught the pages, I saw the name of my favorite food.

After a moment, a waitress came and took our orders.

Shiki and I talked at the same time.

Shiki/(F/N): I'll take (name of the favorite food).

Shiki/(F/N): ?

We looked at each other.

The waitress laughed and went to the kitchen.

We started talking about random things while we waited.

While we chatted, I noticed that Shiki was blushing a lot.

(F/N): Shiki are you ok ? Your cheeks are red.

His cheeks took on a crimson hue.

Shiki: I-I'm ok I'm-

(F/N): Hey, calm down.

I took his hand and smiled at him.

(F/N): It's just me you don't have to stress.

Shiki: You're right, I'm sorry.

We smiled at each other and he kissed my hand.

His gesture made me blush.

(F/N): Wha-

Shiki: Who's nervous now ?

He smiled.

(F/N): I hate you !

He laughed.

While we tease, the waitress came back and put our plates on the table.

We started to eat jokingly.

~~~Time skip~~~

After having dinner, the waitress bring us the bill.

I looked at the price and I almost choked with my saliva.

Shiki: Hey, are you ok ?

(F/N): Shiki...

Shiki: ?

(F/N): Why did you bring me here ?

Shiki: Well, you tild me you wanted to go to a restaurant so...

(F/N): But I didn't tell you to empty your bank account for me !

He smiled and took my hand.

Shiki: I know but I really wanted to please you.

(F/N): I-I...

I was speechless.

I can feel my heart accelerated in my chest.

He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek with a slight blush on his face.

Shiki: Stay here.

I saw Shiki headed to the reception to pay the bill.

I watched him pay, I looked at his body and his beautiful face.

Now i'm sure of it...

I'm in love with Shiki...

Dance with Devils Shiki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now