Chapter One (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Deep breaths Angeline, deep breaths. Once they get to know you, they'll look past your loser appearance. Don't be completely discouraged just yet.

With this new resolve, I make my way into the school... and only 3 minutes later do I manage to get myself lost. The hallways quickly become vacant as students start filing into their classrooms, meanwhile, I'm still here wandering around aimlessly, too intimidated to ask for directions. Plus it's not like everyone's being super inviting either.

"Um, are you lost?" A really pretty girl with red hair and light brown eyes asked me. I won't lie, I was secretly relieved someone came up to ask me.

"Um, yea," I said sheepishly. "Do you know where room N114 is?"

"Yea that's AP Calculus, It's right next to my classroom. C'mon, I'll take you there."

"Oh thank you!"

"No problem, what class do you have next?"

"It says History, room W217"

"Oh! So do I! My name's Jean by the way."

"I'm Angeline, it's so nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, mind if I ask why you moved to Chambers, Oregon of all places?"

"Well my dad finally got a job, and I think he wanted something new, so we just upped and moved here."

"What does your dad do?"

"He's a janitor at the Riverside Hospital."

"Oh," she said and then nodded her head. "Where did you move here from?"


"Oh cool. I've never been, and please excuse us for acting so weird. The last time we had someone new transfer to this town was Susie Pearson, and that was in the second grade."

"Wow," I said surprised. Suddenly all their ogling made sense, I thought I'd easily pass under the radar. But of course, they'd immediately notice a stranger if the last new person was "new" literally years ago.

"Also, don't take it to heart if some of us seem standoffish, not everyone is used to newcomers. Or even welcome to them.

"But yea, this is you." She said standing outside a classroom. I felt uneasy as I saw everyone staring through the sliver of a window on the door, as though they knew I was approaching before I actually arrived if that makes any sense.

"Thanks again for helping me. I'm sorry I made you late for your class."

"Oh I'm not worried, and it was my pleasure. Since we have our next class together, I'll come back and show you the way again."

"That'd be awesome," I smiled, "thanks!"

"Do you wanna exchange numbers in case you have questions?"

"Oh, I actually don't have a phone."

Jean raised her eyebrows, "you don't?"

I shook my head, I know, what kind of teenager doesn't have a phone?

"Oh well, in case you do get one, here's my number," she said and scribbled on a crumpled piece of paper. "If you see me in the halls, don't be afraid to ask me questions."

"Okay, I will," I said, then we went our separate ways.

My first friend. This wasn't so bad, things were starting to look up already.


Art ended up being really fun and I even got to sit next to Jean, another bonus was I got along great with everyone sitting at our table, they were really curious about me and asked lots of questions. I only wish I was a much more interesting person. My next class was PE, and I was not looking forward to this at all. I have absolutely no athletic bone in my body and my asthma won't let me exert myself more than my lungs can handle... which wasn't much to begin with. It also sucked that my new friend, Jean, wouldn't be in this class.

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