"R-Rosie, I-I'm so sorry this happened to y-uo. I should have brang you back home after I heard-d abo-out the fight. I am a terrible mother!"

No you're not! Mum!

"Alyssa, there is nothing we can do now. And you are not a terrible Mum. You did not put her here, Pierce's child did." I hear Mum sniffle.

Whose Pierce? What happened to me?

"Pomfrey said she has extreme hypothermia and the shocks should have killed her! Both of those combined should have killed her! Draco! WHY IS IT ALWAYS HER WHO HAS TO DIE!" What? I almost died? I got shocked? I have hypothermia? Maybe that's why I can't move, I am in an ice cube!

Mum warm me up! Then I can hug you and move again! Communication still doesn't work I see.

"Hunny, it will be okay. I promise nothing terrible will happen."

"Something terrible already did." I am scared now. What. Happened?


When I saw where Rose was on the map, I was terrified, because I kept looking on the map, and I saw her little name fall down, then come right back up. Scor talked to me saying she was going to Hospital Wing, so I sprinted over there. Along with James and Fred II of course.

When I saw her, she looked perfectly fine. Almost. Her face had handprints, and she was soaking. Her hair was a bit tangled more than usual. But no broken bones. I figured she got into a fight again.

I was wrong.

Awfully wrong.

Me, my cousins, Jason and Scorpius were ushered out and talked to McGonagall. The boys along with Lydia, who had heard about Rose and joined us, looked and tried to find every person responsible for this. I think they found them all.

I am currently sitting in my dorm being held by my new best friend Stacy Hitchcock. She let me cry it out and review what happened. I wasn't there, but just the thought of my sister being torchered killed me.

"Anna, you should sleep. I got a letter saying your parents will be here as soon as they can. Get some rest before they get here. Come on." She lays me down and props my head on a pillow. I pull the covers up, and she snuggles next to me for support. I close my burning eyes and drift off into peaceful sleep.


Eleven. That is how old we are. Eleven. And yet, we are being torchered for our family's history. History is studied for a reason: so that we don't relive those mistakes. But here we are.

I sigh loudly and band my head agianst the stone wall a couple of times. I need to know what's going to happen to Rose. The most important one being if she will survive.

I swear on Merlin's beard. If she doesn't, I will personally kill Macy Pierce with my bare hands. No Avada Kedavra crap, I want to choke her to death.

"Mate, please stop thinking of different ways to kill Macy, it's not going to solve anything." I look over to Jason and see him just reading a book. I look at him incredulously.

"Why are you acting so clam?"

"Because this isn't a big deal."

"Isn't a big deal? Our sister may be dead!"

"Just calm down, everything will be alright." He continues to read his book.

I rip the book out of one hand, and a cookie from the other. I dramatically throw down the book and stomp the cookie into crumbs.

"HOW CAN YOU JUST SIT THERE AND TELL ME IT WILL BE ALRIGHT? I SAW THEM TORCHER HER! I SAW HER FALL OFF THE TOWER! I THOUGHT SHE DIED! I BARELY SAVED HER AND NOW I AM AFRAID SHE WON'T WAKE UP! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" I was yelling in his face, aggressively making hand movements. Not bad ones, I just failed my hands a lot. I sunk down to the ground right next to him, and felt the anger rush out of me, being instantly replaced with sadness.

"I should have stayed with her. I should have known she was going to be targeted." I said quietly to myself as I put my hands in my lap and tried calming myself. It worked a litte.

"My cookie. Mate, that was way over dramatic." I look at Jason with a death glare and shake my head in disapproval.

"Why are you like this?"


"You know what I mean!" I say aggressively.

"Oi! Mate! You have to let this Rose thing go! There is nothing you can do right now that will change anything. The best thing you can do for her is sit back and relax. If you continue to think about how big of a deal this is, she too will think about it. Our emotions are tied, so if you freak, she freaks.  And we don't want her to freak herself to death. "

"Did you seriously make a joke about her dying!"


"Jason!" He picks up his book and continues to read. After a minute of sitting in silence I finally register what he said. If we feel a strong emotion so will she, and since she felt so scared and hurt earlier, the extra tension can't help her. The only reason Jason is calm and reading is to calm himself. He knows it is a big deal, he is just trying to downplay it for Rosie Pie. Damn why is he so smart sometimes?

"FINE, you got me. What are you reading?"

"Trials Of Apollo." He said while briefly showing me the cover.

"I am on the Sword Of Summer. I haven't read that series yet."

"Mmh." I flick my wand and my book comes flying towards me. I begin to read and calm my nerves.

The Four (Sequel To Hermione...The Secret Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now