"True Love never ends"

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Teto's POV

"Oh my gosh! It all hit me at once, the same way that Tei did. I had ruined Tei's life! She was in front of (Your name) and I as, she was sobbing, hysterically. She was on the floor, with never ending tears spilling- no flooding, from her eyes. I had never seen Tei, so upset, before. Love can be so tricky and so scary, sometimes. Maybe, that's how Tei felt! I was taking (Your name) away from her when, SHE clearly loved him. A week ago, I WITNESSED her kiss him but, I still kissed him and THAT was messed up. I broke Tei's heart. Probably, more than (Your name) did when, he kissed me. And there poor Tei was, crying her eyes out. "Tei, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have kissed him." I admitted with a soft, baby smile. Tei looked up at me with confusion planted all over her face. (Your name) and Tei both shared the same expression.

"What? I can have him?" She asked softly, still with a weepy voice. Just seeing, Tei in tears nearly put me in tears, as well. I kindly nodded as, (Your name) gasped.

"But, Teto-" He spoke. I needed him to know that this was a way of him and I breaking up. I just couldn't stay to see Tei in this broken down estate, any longer. Her face was practically melting with tears as, her meltdown grew solid. I just didn't want anything to get worse than, it already was. Tei lay on the field, in front of us with her tears mixing into the grass and the dirt, making it dark brown and moist.

"I'm sorry but, we can't be together, anymore. It's practically destroying Tei." I admitted with a frown of guilt for both him and Tei. If (Your name) and I did stay together, there would be two broken hearts. Those two being mine and Tei's and I'd rather have my heart broken for some time and have it heal than, have Tei's fragile heart broken, forever. I've known Tei ever since, I was a child, her heart breaks, easily and if you think about it, it doesn't just 'heal', overtime. Of (Your name) and I combined, even, Tei is the most fragile.

"Teto-" I raised a hand up to silence him. "Her heart won't just 'heal', (Your name)-kun. It will only shatter, more. Trust me, Tei will be destroyed. And we don't want that." I explained. He got a far away look in his eyes. "It's like destroying a crystal and never putting its pieces, back together." My red eyes shined like a broken diamond in the light. If only we had realized how selfish we were.

"Think about all of the things, that Tei has done not just for me but, also for you." I uttered on. I had to get that spark in (Your name)'s brain to ignite and for him to realize how lucky he was to have Tei. Tei shifted her legs and slowly stood up as, the tears in her eyes slowly faded like, a wound. His eyes shined with the sun. I slowly received the hope that he'd realize, that he loved Tei. Even, if I didn't know it at the time, I knew that (Your name) fell in love with her at some point and I was sure, he still was in love with her. It was that he was mad at her for most of the time and he was so mad that his anger, blocked out his feelings for her and he didn't notice them. But, he had feelings for her. I could guarantee it."

Your POV

"I felt that I'd shatter like ice that got hit with an ax. Love is so damn confusing! I must have had feelings for Tei because, I was trying to use Teto to make her jealous. I felt like I had screwed up like, a big jerk. I knew I had feelings for Tei but, I never knew it, before. I listened to sniffling from Tei as, I realized how lucky I was to have her in my life. Thinking of all the things, we had done together and how much she had impacted my life. Sure, she was stalker-ish and kind of creepy at some points but, she wasn't that scary anymore in my eyes. She only seemed to melt my heart more and more. Maybe, forcing me to love her wasn't a good thing, I hated that so much. But, she still had a heart, a heart I was hurting too much and being too rough on. "Tei, I realized how much I loved you." I grabbed her face and stared into her crystalling red eyes. "True love never ends, you know." I added.

Tei's lips then pressed against my own, demolishing all of my bad thoughts and fear. Teto stood right beside us in the yellow-green meadow where happiness seemed to be retrieved, again. This was the same meadow, Teto, Tei and I first met in and it seemed just as magical as before. It was my favorite place to be and if I hadn't chosen to be there when I was young, we would've never met. "I'm so glad we met." Tei told me as soon, as the kiss was over.

"I agree, Tei." Teto chimed in, celebrating our new relationship. I agreed as well, there was no doubt about it and no reason for me to wish that we had never met. Bad things have occurred in our friendship - but so did good things. That's how I knew Teto would be my best friend for the rest of my life and Tei would be my girlfriend for the rest of my life. Tei pecked my cheek and apologized for all the harm she had done but, it was only because, she loved me so much.

Now, I'm 20 years old and married to Tei. Teto is still our dearest friend and we were, no actually we ARE happy. We still are happy, together. Tei and I were practically made for each other and we can't change the past but, we can add a fresh, new, crisp chapter to the story and true love doesn't have a happy ending because, true love never ends.

Tei Sukone X Male reader "You're My Lover"Where stories live. Discover now