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Jess p.o.v

  "Hey Daniel,"
  "Yes babygirl," i smiled
   "I want that giant unicorn"

  "Hey Daniel,"  "Yes babygirl," i smiled   "I want that giant unicorn"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

  "Ok whatever you want ill get it just ask." I smile and put my head into his chest as he was still holding me. He walked into the store and the rest of the guys followed he bought the unicorn i jumped off of daniel and hugged the unicorn super tight
  "This is Uni shes my best friend i like her more than all of you." i say pointing at all the boys. They look at each other then laugh. We walk out of the store and got in the car we drove home. In the car i whispered something in Daniels ear
  "Can we talk about this coma thing when we get home." he looked at me and nodded. i looked at Uni and smiled at her.
  We got home and I grabbed Daniels hand and went to my room. "Ok lets talk" i say. "Ok well first tell me what you think happened or what you think you know." "Well, i remember that i got adopted by you Jonah. I was so excited. People bullied me for being so girly. You were my only friend you got me through everything and excepted me. Then one day i hit my head and passed out then i woke up in the hospital,isn't that right?" "Um that is not even close. "Oh," i said looking down. "Then what really happened." "We adopted you you had a hangover-" "what's that" he looked confused "its a headache you get in the morning after drinking alcohol the night before alcohol is a bad drink don't drink it." I nodded. "Anyway we hated each other but we liked each other you would have sex with someone-" "whats sex?" "uhhhh- um well you see when a guy put a penis inside of a girl and then a baby can happen." "is it bad?" "i mean not really" "ok, can you teach me sometime" he choked on his spit.

Daniels p.o.v

  I don't know why im so awkward about she so innocent its like its a different person. No i cant take advantage of her.  Ok calm down.  "Its something couples or married people do its kinda bad i guess you don't wanna do it with just anyone." "Oh...ok" she started to blush embarrassed cause she didn't know. "Anyway we would make each other jealous cause we would fo out with other people until we got in a fight and realised after that what was going on and we dated after that. Then jonah didn't want us to date so we kept it a secret and pretended to hate each other you got a motorcycle for your birthday crashed it then got a coma." she nodded slowly. "So that means were..."

Jess p.o.v

  Oh god im dating my best friend what the heck i ran out of the room I'm so confused this isn't real this isn't happening. Im going insane. No no they are. There insane. There trying to trick me. im so ugh. I sat on the couch the boys were there i put my head between my knees. I hate this.
  Daniel came down he explained every thing. I looked up and jonah was googling it. "Got it. Its called memory replacement. Memory replacement can happen when you hit a certain area in your head and go into a coma. It can change your personality or the relationship status of who people are to you. For example you may think your mom is your sister or brother is your best friend. There is no cure for this some people have gotten visions of there past but not all of it," Jonah read.
  I looked down so im gonna be like this forever your gonna think im a different person forever." "hey hey don't worry were gonna get used to it." Daniel said "but to you were dating to me were friends." Daniel smiled don't worry. We will be friends no matter who you think you are or how you act i will still love you till the end." i blushed i hugged him your so cuuuteeee."
  He put his hand on my hand and i winched a little in pain. Everyone looked over. "Its fine Im okay. its just its still sore it feels like a bruise its no big deal" everyone nodded. "Well lets get some sleep." "No! Im not tired." i said "ok then lets watch a movie" zach suggests." "lets watch a horror movie" corbyn said. Oh no i freaking horror movies. "Uh-sure lets do it.." "your not scared are you jess." "of course not" ok then lets watch it"
  I sat back on the couch. I screamed alot when the movie was over people headed up to bed i grabbed daniels hand. He looked at me "daniel, can i... Sleep with you tonight, i scared" he smiled. "Alright c'mon" i smiled and we walked to his room abd fell asleep

Rebel Adopted By Jonah Marais~Completed!~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat