kai (marvel)

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Full Name:

Kai Gheata

Alias(SuperHero Name):

(The Romanian God of Fire)






Typical of a teenage boy, Kai can be naive and stubborn. He tends to overlook highly probable risks and take his chances. This is noticeable after he becomes a member of the Avengers. Though initially distressed and overwhelmed regarding the complications and dangers of reuniting with his younger sister, Jacklynn.

He also eventually shows maturity in realizing the responsibility to keep the people close to him safe. He does his best to regain his humanity after the devastating lose of his father and home, but with the possibility he could become a killer if his aggression towards his past takes over. Kai has an amicable and trusting nature, generally always willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt and see the best in them, but not always. He tends to stick to his first impression of people and it can take a long while for him to recognize that his judgment could be wrong.

Kai does his best to be the protector his friends and family believe him to be. He is carefree and reckless in nature, and, despite his consistent playful brawls with the other members of Avengers, he is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. He is willing to go down fighting for his friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. Kai has a straightforward mind, and often tackles issues with a "hands on" approach. His solution to problems often involve violence.

Due to his reckless nature, Kai's fights usually ends with widespread destruction. Kai's love of fighting has allowed him to develop a rather strategic mind, helping him to, on various occasions, find weaknesses in his opponent's techniques, or simply weaknesses his opponents themselves. Kai, befitting his recklessness and love of fighting, never backs out of a fight.

Kai was very close to Jacklynn, but after their father had pasted away due to Jacklynns foolish-ness she pulled away from him, then suddenly leaving the country. However, after tracking her down and reuniting with her, this is no longer the case. In spite of his naturally dense nature, Kai is quite perceptive and understanding of his friend's feelings. After his experiences with losing his father and destroying their hometown in Romanian due to his overwhelming power to weld the element of fire, Kai has come to understand and accept fear, and has used this acceptance to help his sister and himself emotionally grow.




Romanian, Russian, German and English


Father, Sebastain Gheata, Deceased
Mother, Annalise Gheata, Unknown
Older Brother, Grayson Gheata, Alive
Twin Sister, Jacklynn Gheata, Alive

Love Interest:

Not Specified






Elemental Manipulation (Fire) and Jinx magic

Face Claim:

Dave Franco

Dave Franco

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His suit is the same as Steve's Infinity War suit, without the ripped off star and stuff.


PTSD: Kai suffers from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) which he gained from the destruction of his hometown and the disaster he caused.


Find out (some is in his backstory!!)

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