For some reason, I could feel an evil smirk find its way on his face and I suddenly grew worried.

“ You have to dance with Sebastian while you’re in your neko form.”

“ What?!” I said taking a few stumbling steps back from him and ended up crashing into Sebastian’s waiting arms that wrapped around me keeping me prisoner.

“ Well, isn’t this fun? Are you up to tonight’s chase as well, my dear kitten?”

“ Actually there’s something else you two must know.” Ciel said bringing our attention to him. “ You are not allowed to chase her tonight,” I gave a loud sigh of relief while Sebastian seemed rather annoyed, “ Or,”

“ Or? What do you mean ‘or?!’ You better not be planning something!”

“ By ‘or’ I mean at least not until I fall asleep, by then I don’t have a say in what he does to entertain himself at night.”

“ In other words, I may do as I please.”

“ Accidenti! Grande, ora mi sono fregato!”

“ You seem to have a swearing problem, don’t you?” Sebastian smirked at my annoyed stare at him.

“ No, I have a problem with always speaking well of others 24/7. Of course I have a swearing problem! I inherited that same problem from my mother!” I tried to wriggle free from his grasp but had no such luck as he only tightened it more.

“ Now, now, we wouldn’t want you escaping before completing the young master’s given order. You must fulfill such task.”

“ I hate you. I utterly and truly hate you beyond belief right now.” I said and shuddered as Sebastian nuzzled his face in my neck.

“ Don’t lie, my lady; especially towards yourself.” My face burned red hot as I felt something wet slowly move up and down the front of my neck and eventually up the side until it reached my jaw line. Thank God Ciel was too busy with his head on his desk laughing at my annoyed face from before to notice.

“ S-shut up and quit it! You’re annoyingly perverted and have acted as such towards me since I first set foot back in this house.” I stated angrily while shoving him off of me.

“ Ciel, would you mind having someone send this letter for me later?” I asked handing him the envelope.

“ Of course not. But to whom is it addressed?”

“ The Queen. I’m letting her know of my return after all these years, seeing as though most of the police officers rarely do anything correctly and I feel like you should have more help with your work as well.” I smirked at his slightly annoyed face.

“ Very well then. But I shall have this done after you dance.”

“ Grr. Fine.” I said, letting Sebastian pull me against himself and took my hands in his.

“ Shall we begin, my lady?”

“ Whatever. The sooner we start the better I shall be when it ends.”

>>>> 5 or so minutes later<<<<

I had walked back into my room after the ‘ forced dance’ with Sebastian to put on the dress Lizzie had wanted me to wear. I could hear Grell complaining from downstairs and Bard was trying to comfort him, my guess is Lizzie had put him in some frilly dress or something. Poor Grell, even though I don’t like him or trust him that much, I pity the goofball. I looked at the dress and sighed, pulling over my head and pulled on some grey socks and a smaller pair of black boots. As I finished tying both I heard shouting from Lizzie and Ciel downstairs.

Worry-Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now