Clara Sanders actually wasn't all that bad looking; she was absolutely gorgeous. With her perfect hazel colored hair, tan skin, and sea-foam eyes, she had all the guys just begging at her feet.

Except for me.

I did not like her, because I was gay. But this fact was not known to my peers, so really no one understood why I had never hit on Clara before, and I never had the intention to do so.

Clara looked like she was about to say something before I heard Hunter say, "Get your hands off of him." in a somewhat low voice.

"Wow, you're no fun, Hunter."

Clara removes her hand from my chest, and I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding in. Clara steps a little closer to Hunter now, looking him up and down. I felt jealousy rip through me like a wave, and I was about to say something before Clara cut in.

"I wish I had the time to pester you two handsome men about such things, but you know I really should head off to class now. See you later."

Clara waved to us in a sort of preppy way before turning around and walking into the direction of a few hallways in our school. Her friends immediately passed us, giggling as they did so, and followed in her direction.

"Well, that was...something." I said to Hunter, turning to him after the girls left.

"Yeah, she's annoying as fuck. I don't know why she can't just leave you alone."

I sighed as Hunter and I began to walk upstairs to our lockers, hoping the rest of our day will be good.


"So, how's it going?"

The sound of Jason's voice beside me brought me back to the present. I had previously been thinking about my dad, since that seems to be my predicament right now.

"How's what going?" I ask, already knowing full well he was talking about Hunter.

Jason rolls his eyes, "Obviously I'm talking about Hunter. Has anything happened there?"

Jason had quickly become my sort-of wingman with this whole Hunter thing. Jason is one of the few guys on the football team I like, and he's always been there for me. I always knew that whenever I did come out eventually, Jason would be one of those who supported me.

"I mean...nothing really has happened there. We kinda, um, cuddled last night? I'm not really sure if anything was meant by it, though."

Jason raised his eyebrows. "Well that's progress. What was his reaction to this afterwards?"

I cleared my throat. "Um, I mean, I got up before he could wake up and realize anything was happening. I'm not sure if he even remembers it from me sleeping over last night."

" haven't talked about it?"

I shake my head at Jason and he gapes at me. "You guys really need to start talking about this stuff, really. You never talk about the important things. I know you don't want to tell him how much you like him Noah, but it would be really good for you to just tell him to see his reaction. You don't know anything until it happens, he could like you too."

"You done?" I ask after Jason is done giving his little mini speech. "I can't tell him, not right now at least. I don't want anything to come between us, and if I tell him I like him and he doesn't like me back, there will definitely be awkwardness."

Jason sighed. "Whatever you want to do Noah, I'll back you up. But just don't wait too long to tell him, okay?"

I nod at Jason and we actually think to turn to the front of the room and listen to the teacher.


"Oh come on, you've seen Jessica; she's hot as hell!"

Currently, the rest of the football douchebags that I pretend to like, were all walking down the hallway and talking about girls and shit. Obviously I wasn't too interested in the conversation as we walked. I was kinda just there to have some people by me. I didn't consider any of these guys friends, there were only certain guys on the football team I genuinely liked.

Jack was doing his normal talk about girls when he turned to me. "So Noah, which girls have you snagged lately?"

The rest of the guys gave agreeing nods of curiousness as I shrugged.

"I haven't, actually."

Jack raised his eyebrow. "How come? Find someone you like?"

I shook my head at him. Goddamn he's annoying. "No, I guess I just don't really want to date or hookup with any girls right now." Which was a lie, I never wanted to date any girls in the first place. And even if I was straight, I also didn't want to hookup with a girl either. I just wasn't like that. The guys didn't need to know that though.

Jack narrowed his eyes at me. "No one? So what, are you turning into a fairy now?" Jack snickered as our group came to a stop in the hallway.

I glared at him. "No, I'm not." Wrong. "Am I immediately gay just because I'm not in a relationship or hooking up with some girl?" My tone got a little more bitter towards the end, spitting hate at him.

Jack raised his hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry dude. I was just kidding." Jack went back to discussing with the guys as I attempted to calm myself down. We resumed walking through the hallway.

I really needed to hang out with my actual friends more.


So this chapter was a few hours later than normal, so I apologize for that. I needed to finish some homework that I had before working on this.

Qotc: Do you like Marvel movies?

Aotc: Tbh, I do like marvel movies, but I'm not obsessed with them or anything like that. I haven't seen all of them, but they are pretty good.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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