"No, You look sexy!!"

I laughed. "Ok."


Connor,Izzy and I finished packing my bags.

"Alright, Are you going to be ok without me?"

"No!!" Connor pouted.

"I was talking to lzzy, babe!!"

"I know."

"I'll be fine. You have fun with your family!!" She said hugging me."Try not to kill them."

"I won't promise anything."

Connor and I were on our way to the airport.

"You need to come to my place for Christmas!!"

"Oh yeah!!! I've always wanted to go to Minnesota!!"

"Now, you can!!"

"Good!!" We chatted till we got to the airport.

"I'll see you when I get back!!" I said hugging him.

"Have fun babe!!!"

"Don't go getting a new girlfriend while I'm gone!!"

"Why would I want anyone else?"

"Boarding flight 451 to Alabama. I repeat boarding flight 451 to Alabama."

"That's me, I'll see you later tough guy!!" I said hugging him agian.

"See you baby!!" He said kissing me. "I love you."

You too. I said pecking his lips agian.

I got on the plane, I had a window seat next to an old lady. I sat down and turned on my music and started reading. Connor texted me.

Connor:Have a safe flight, Texted me when you land!!! 

Sass Queen:Thank you!! I will!!xx

"Is that your boyfriend?" The lady nest to me asked looking at me phone backround.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled.

"Your a lucky girl, Don't lose him!!" 

"I won't!!" We were about to land when I stared having an panic attack. The lady next to me got the flight attendant and they both helped me thought it. I looked at the ladys. "I'm sorry about that!!"

"Your fine, my dear!!"

"Thank you!!" We landed and I texted Connor.

Sass Queen:Made it safely back home...Well I had an panic attack but I'm still safe. (:

Connor: Aww!! I'm soory babe!! I'm glad your ok though.

Sass Queen:The lady next to me helped. Oh and she told me that I'm lucky to have you.

Connor: No, Sh'e wrong. I'm lucky to have you!!

Sass Queen: Aww!! Thanks bae!!x I have to go my mum's here, I'll talk to you later!!

Connor: Ok!! Love you, Have fun!!

I ran to my mom and hugged her!!!

"Hey sweetie!!!"

"Hey!! How have you been?"

"Good!! Lets go home and we can talk somemore."

"Ok!! We put my bag in the car and went on our way."

"Where's everyone?"

"Beach,Friends. Stuff like that."


"How's L.A been?"

"Great!! I've made so many friends!!"

"That's great!!"

"Oh and I have a boyfriend." I muttered.

"What was that?"

"I have a boyfriend." I muttered agian.

"Elizabeth Ana-Marie spilt it out!!"

"I have a boyfriend!!"


"Yeah. You remember my friend Connor? Well he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Aww baby, That's cute!!"

"Your ok with it?"

"Of course, I truth Connor!! When is he coming here?"

"I don't know, But I'm going to his place for Christmas."

"That's not for another five months."

"I know, I was just saying."

"Ok, Well it's almost six,Would you like something to eat?"

"Sure, But I'm taking you out."

"Where are we going?"


"Yumm!! Quick question  though, What are you wearing?"

"Oh, Connors cloths."

"Have you had sex with him!?!"

"MUM!!! We just started dating!!"

"You never know what you'll do with a cute boy."

"Mom!! Lets just go!! We went out and got our food." On our way back home Lovin Starts came on.

"Awww!!! I love this song." I said turning it up.

My mom looked at me weirdly.

"What it makes me think of Connor!!"

"Oh, Elizabeth!!"


"Nothing, sweetie!!" We got back home and my siblings when back.

"Hey guys!!!" I said hugging them.


"I heared you have a boyfriend, Liz!!" My sister Angel said.

"Who told you?"


"Why did you do that?"

"Was I not aloud?"

"No, Your fine."

"So you do?"

"Yeah!!" My sisters screamed.

"If he hurts you I'll kill him!!"

"Thank you, Jeremy!!"

"Who are you dating?"


"Wait like the Connor Franta?"


"The youtube?"

"None other!!" They screamed agian.

"Ok,ok shut up!! Lets watch a movie." We watched Son of God then everyone went to bed. I was sat in bed reading when Connor texts me.

Connor: Goodnight beautiful!! 

Sass Queen:Night, Love you too!!xx (:

I fell asleep shortly after.


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