Chapter Two~The arrival {Swearing}

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As Cole parked near the restaurant stretching , he walked with Parker inside , to only be encountered by the two girls.

"How's this fine evening" Cole greeted them

Mya was confused "I don't remember sending you the address..." she says as she had her phone in her hand.

Cole looks at Parker and Parker looks at him back, they both gave a little smirk and a chuckle

"We knew you would be here" Parker nodded and sat down next to Cassie attempting to put an arm over and she declined obviously.

Cole sat next to Mya , to avoid tension , and he didn't Try anything as he knew the outcome of it would not effect anything and also that they were secretly dating

Mya sipped her tea, her and Cassie seem to already have ordered so Parker and Cole done the same. Parker looks at Cole , then at Cassie then at Mya. He seemed curious about the two sitting next to each other so he questioned them.

"So Cole...What's between you and Mya?" Parker asks slightly

Cole looks at Parker

Mya nearly spitting out her drink towards Cassie but held it in to not show suspicion.

Cole answered Parker "Nothing. We are just friends " he smiled cheerfully , Thankfully he was a good actor.

Cassie looks at Cole and Mya suspiciously and then drank her milkshake.

Sighing in complete relief , the two males got their drinks. 

They all began to speak about their junior lives, even though Mya was still in University to study Baking/Cooking they were still pretty much adults. Sadly Cole was the oldest with 3 years older than all of them. 

Mya looks at Cole and then at Cassie and nodded "Yes sure! We can go to dinner at yours!"

Cole didn't know what was going on so he just agreed...

~To know what happened @FuzzySnowyCloud Chapter 56-57~

~Time skip~

Cole ran upstairs as Mya messaged him that she would stay at Parker's house with Cassie, he practically ran upstairs and heard laughing from Parker's room. He opened it slightly to see them Kiss. His eyes widen and he runs quietly downstairs and leaves. He walked to his house and stood in front of his door , smacking it with his fist and holding up his curly hair.

Cole wasn't able to speak he just stood outside his door and kept his hand clenched, inside his hand was Mya's necklace she left with Cole accidentally, he gave her that necklace and now what he's seen..Mya kissed his best friend.  

He sighs , and opens the door gently , living alone was very nice..Especially if you came home to that. Dragging his own legs upstairs to his room as he enters throwing the necklace across the room and laying in bed. Looking up helplessly.Muttering under his breath "Cassie is engaged with Parker. Parker Kissed Mya. Mya is dating me. Mya kissed Parker" he repeats to himself with no tone in his voice. Cole puts his hands over his face questioning "No..Not telling Cassie. She loves Parker." he stated to himself before sitting up and looking at his hands and the necklace on the floor. 

Standing up , he takes off his red jacket and puts it on his working table , moving his brown curly hair from his emerald eyes and sat down. As the computer screen loaded he saw the background picture of the whole group. He stares at it and looks at him and Mya that were next to each other in the picture. Immediately closing the laptop has he threw it to the floor "Fuck sake" he mumbled to himself.

Cole's phone was beeping continuously  , he didn't want to look at it.Just in case Mya was calling. Thinking to himself he held the phone and answered "Yes..."

A voice came threw "Mr Backster? Right.." , Cole sat right up and his eyes narrowed "Indeed...May i ask who you are?"

"All will be revealed soon Cole." as the voice spoke Cole's eyes widened , how did that person know his name?? "I did warn you about Parker didn't I? 'Don't be friends with him' i said , 'He will hurt you with the only thing that you can get hurt by' i said. Cole you could be so powerful and yet you lurk behind their shadows.." The voice continued to speak 

Cole raised his voice "I don't know who you are , but it is my life and i choose who i am friends with and who I am not thank you. Parker made his choices and it might be a misunderstanding." Cole repeated to the voice on the phone making them chuckle 

"Oh Cole, If I only knew you before this we would have been the best of friends..Like you and Marcus.." the voice pointed out a familiar name 

"Hey don't get them involved its between you and me and that's it! I swear if any of them gets hurt , I will kill you!" as he said the last line , he banged the table hard enough to make a dent, his eyes were fury in red and his elf ears were popping out 

"There there...Calm your elf butt"

As he said that Cole looked around , his room was covered with curtains , that person couldn't have seen him! 

"Anyway , I will make a recommendation.. Come Join me or, i guess you will have to suffer knowing everyone's secrets . Mya's anorexia..Parker being an Angel..Cassie's feelings..And Ray-"

Cole ended the phone call and held onto his head, bad enough he saw his best friend kiss his girlfriend and now he is getting black mailed. He sighs and picks up the laptop from the floor which was still surprisingly in a perfect condition. He typed an email from the his company saying exactly..

'Dear Workers

I, Mr Backster will be taking a long break from the company for a while , working from home. If there is any problems email me or my assistant for her to email me. Any requests from Money come to me as well.Including the paper work. Keep it in my desk and when I arrive back to work I will correct it.

Sincerely , Mr Backster'

Reading back the email to himself , he sent it. Getting a reply from his assistant immediately with his paper work , he wondered why she was awake at 2am.. He held his work phone and messaged her.

Cole : Hey , Claire. Why are you up this late?

Claire : Sorry Sir, you didn't come into work today. Was it because of her again..?

Cole : It was a family issue , do not intrude with my business at home.

Claire : Yes, i apologise. If there is anything else you want , email me. Good night Sir.

Lowering his hand , he stood up walking to his bed and laying there looking up at the ceiling , reminding himself of that kiss...Laying there emotionless until the sun rose..

To be Continued 

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