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A/N Hey guys. So, you might be able to tell that I'm on a little bit of a poetry spree right now. I just wanted to put up some of these poems I wrote for a project in school. I actually thought they were pretty good for me since poetry isn't really my thing. Well, I hope y'all like them! Go check them out!

I remember the sun beating down on me

As I wait for a wave to form.

I remember feeling impatient,

& the water was much too warm.

The ocean was flat as a pancake.

Not a wave was seen in sight.

I was about to give up on my searching,

When something appeared in sight.

As the winds picked up slowly,

I noticed a wave nearby,

But the wave was not yet little,

For it soared up high in the sky!

Now my heart began to beat harder

At the sight of this great wave.

But suddenly my arms moved on instinct

As I began to paddle hard.

Harder & harder I paddled,

Until my arms were stricken with pain,

My eyes set on my target,

As sweat poured down my face.

I finally got close enough,

& then I whirled around.

I paddled hard back toward the shore.

It was in the wave's hands now.

When suddenly I felt it,

I was pushed up toward the sky. Without a blink I didn't think

& popped up on the board.

I got dizzy but didn't fall,

For I caught my balance so.

Now I was riding the best wave toward shore.

The ride felt like a roller coaster,

With the feeling of fear & glee.

How happy I was to be where I was,

It was a chance for me.

But not before long, I ran out of ride & jumped into the ocean.

As the water rose & covered my sides

With a cool & fresh feeling,

I smiled with glee from the ride that you see

Was the best time of my life.

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