Chester sobbed even harder as he listened to his sister's words. He had expected for the worst outcome, but in the end, everything worked out fine. Even better than all of the good outcomes he had imagined and prepared himself for. He didn't think Amber would be so kind towards him after he ruined her life, but she was and he couldn't believe that things were finally going right in his life, for once.

"Hey, stop crying, you baby!" She joked and chuckled softly. "Tell me what's new? What did I lose through all this time?" She sat up better as Chester lifted his head and dried up his tears with the back of his hand.

"God, I don't even know where to start..." He said, shaking his head.

"Start at the beginning. What happened to you after I went to sleep?"

The words made Chester cringe as he felt his heart squeezed. It's true that it was what had happened to Amber, but it still made him hurt hearing her speak it out loud.

"I couldn't go on with my life after... after what I had done." He finally answered, not looking into her eyes, as he began to play with the corner of her pillow, as he picked at a sewing thread that was sticking out. "Mom and dad sent me into a clinic and-" His voice cracked. He wanted so much to tell her that it had been hell, that, except for meeting Ryan, he wished he had never set foot there. He didn't want to alarm her, nor his mom, who was still listening as she had taken a seat in the corner of the room. "And there I met one of my best friend. We're still hanging out today... While I was in there, I learned Japanese. I'm a translator now..."

"Wow, Ches, that's amazing." She smiled, as she passed her hand into his brother's hair. Chester felt like she was the grown up here. "You still live with mom and dad?"

"N-no, I've got my own place... even if I'm staying at Mike's-"

"Mike? Who's that? Your friend you mentioned?"

He blushed, he hadn't meant to speak Mike's name out loud, but since his mom had been so enthusiastic upon hearing that he had a boyfriend, he was feeling confident over telling his sister too.

"No, he's my boyfriend."

He looked up at that moment, meeting his sister's eyes. She looked surprised for a moment, before that grin came back on her face. "Is he hot? I bet he is, I'm sure you know how to chose them."

Chester felt himself blush before he laughed. "Yes, he is... He might come later, he'd like to meet you, I've told him so much about you..."

"That's amazing, Ches, I'm happy for you."

His throat seemed to close up as he felt himself getting emotional again, as he just nodded and finally get up. "I'm just... I'll go get some coffee. I'm sure mom wants to talk with you too. I'll be back in 5, okay?"

"Okay." She said, smiling, as she looked up at him.

"I love you, Amb."

"Love you too."

At that, he turned around, and without looking at his mother, walked out of the room. He walked around for a while, before he finally found a bathroom, and he pushed the door opened before he ran toward the sink. He opened up the cold water, and splashed some into his face, before he started breathing hard, feeling an anxiety attack begin to overtake him. He took some deep breaths, closing his eyes as he tried to think of Mike, of how he made him feel safe, as he did his best to breathe normally.

In, and out.

He finally exhaled a long breath, before he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were still clouded with panic, but other than that, he felt better now. He took some water into his hand, sipping at it slowly, before he closed the faucets. He took some paper towel and wipe his face and he sighed one last time before he exited the bathroom, walking toward the elevator.

Coffee was out of the question for now, but tea sounded just about right.


Mike was still anxious when he entered the store he was supposed to have the job interview. He couldn't stop thinking about Chester, even if he tried his best not to think of the worst. He imagined if he had panicked, if his mother had been bad to him, if his sister had a grudge against him. He hoped to god nothing bad had happened, but his mind seemed to work against his will.

In spite of all of that, he tried his best to look fine and answer all the questions with calm, but still, his body language probably gave him in as he couldn't stop shaking his leg.

He got out of the store with a sigh as he shook his head. He put his helmet on and took off, thinking about getting some cupcakes for Chester, the ones from the coffee shop he loved. He smiled at himself and changed his route, turning left toward the coffee place.

He jumped off his motorbike and got in the little store, the smell of coffee and chocolate overcame his senses and he let himself feel at ease at the little cozy place.

He went straight to the counter, knowing exactly what he would ask Amy, the girl that always got his orders every time he was there.

"Hey, Mike! How are you doing today? Where's Chester?" She asked enthusiastically and the half Asian couldn't help but smile.

"He's at the hospital visiting someone. I'm doing pretty good actually, how about you?" He asked with true curiosity.

"I'm good too! What's it gonna be today?"

Mike stopped for a moment, thinking of how many cupcakes he should bring with him, until he spoke. "It'll be six cupcakes." He nodded to himself. "Two cinnamon, extra frosting. One chocolate peanut butter, two vanilla and one chocolate."

"Is that all?" The girl asked as she took note of everything Mike said.

"Yes, that's all." Amy nodded and asked Mike to wait at one of the tables until his order was ready. They would have to make the two cupcakes with extra frosting so he would have to wait a bit until they were baked. He would be a little late but it was for a good cause. Chester would love his two cupcakes.

As he got out of the shop, the box of cupcakes in his hand, he suddenly felt optimistic about the whole situation. He was more than qualified for the position he had applied, so why wouldn't he get the job? Plus, he should get all the bad thoughts out of his head, he had told Chester numerous times that it was toxic to always think this way. Amber was awake, and that was something good. Who knows, maybe she had forgiven the blonde man and they were now laughing together, remembering things that had happened years ago for Chester, but recently for Amber.

He couldn't wait to meet her.

The half Asian secured the box in the bag attached to his bike, before he put his helmet on. He climbed on the motorcycle as he started the engine, making it roar, before he put his right flasher on, ready to storm onto the road.

Unfortunately, Mike never made it to the hospital.

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