Knee issues

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Daichi [POV]

I waited at the bus stop the next morning after getting dressed and eating breakfast. It felt weird without my bag but not like I could do anything about it. Suga jogged over holding both bags

"Good morning" He greeted handing me my bag

"Thanks Suga" I smiled taking it from him slinging it over my shoulder. We walked quickly to morning practice going down into the locker room.  I got changed having to wait for Suga he managed to lose his shorts and spent like ten minutes looking for them. 

"Daichiii help meee" he whined

"I don't know what you did with them" I shrugged sitting on the bench

"Suga you're back I heard you're lactose intolerant" Tanaka commented raising one eyebrow

"Tell me about it" Suga rolled his eyes

"How you feeling about that Suga?" Tanaka asked

"I'm upset" Suga insisted

"I don't think lactose intolerance just happens-"

"I noticed it before I just chose to ignore it" Suga interrupted him

"Oh lord you're worse than Kageyama" he exclaimed

"Who's worse than Kageyama" Hinata chimed in

"Suga is with the dairy thing" Tanaka explained

"I didn't think anyone could be worse than Kageyama" Hinata exclaimed

"Shut up idiot" Kageyama scolded smacking him upside the head.

"Daichi I found my shorts"Suga announced

"Good job" I commented leaning against the wall. Suga muttered something in French as he put his shorts on

"What was that?" I raised one eyebrow

"Hm? I didn't say anything?" He insisted putting his other clothes in his locker

"Really? I could have sworn I heard you say something" I shrugged.

"Nope I didn't say anything" he insisted following me up the stairs to the gym. Noya and Asahi we're practicing receives. I went over to talk to Ukai. Suga just walked around mumbling to himself in French waiting for practice to start. I wasn't paying attention but heard Suga exclaim something in French I turned around in time to see him trip ove a volleyball from Noya and Asahi's practicing. Suga landed hard on his right knee there was a sickening pop that I could hear from a few feet away.  Suga winced

"That's going to bruise" he mumbled

"Suga are you okay?" I exclaimed

"Yeah yeah" he insisted as I hurried over

"Suga you need to pay attention to where your going" Ukai scolded "but are you alright"

"I'm fine really" he scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly standing up but as soon as he leaned his weight on his right leg it buckled from under him and he fell back down

"Oop oop that's not happening" he exclaimed

"Did you hurt your knee does it hurt?" I asked concerned

"Nope it doesn't hurt I'm fine really" he stretched his leg out "oh it's dislocated"

"What!" Everyone that heard him shouted

"Hm?" Suga hummed confused before realizing what he said "oh guys no I'm fine really"

"Suga you just said your knee is dislocated" I exclaimed

Say cheese [Daisuga] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now