What's wrong Suga?

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Daichi [POV]

A few minutes after the whole serve to the back of the head incident and when Suga was sent outside he came back into the gym.  His eyebrows were furrowed irritably and his face was pale he crossed his arms over his stomach.

"Suga are you better now have you calmed down?" Ukai asked as he came in, Suga didn't say anything but nodded slowly.  Suga still avoided me and wouldn't talk to me.  Again whenever I went up to him and put my hand on his shoulder or something he would pull away quickly and mutter something angrily in French though he seemed to have calmed down a little bit from before.  Though during practice in the corner of my eye I could see Suga talking to himself, he would mutter something probably in French and continue with practice.  Now it was Suga's turn to serve, I (Unfortunately) was in the front row again.  I expected to be hit in the back of the head with the volleyball again but that didn't happen though it just barely made it over the net falling to the other side.  Suga muttered something to himself again and continued with practice.  Maybe thirty minutes after Suga came back he seemed to get irritated again.  He stopped and went over to where Ukai stood, he said something that I couldn't hear, Ukai nodded and Suga left the gym.  A while later Suga still hadn't come back I had started to get curious and Ukai seemed to be a bit worried as he kept glancing towards the door

"Ukai where did Suga go?" I asked the curiosity killing me by now

"He said he was just going to the bathroom but he still hasn't came back, he didn't look like he felt to good so I'm a bit concerned" He responded furrowing his eyebrows.  I was about to volunteer to go look for him when Suga slowly opened the gym door his face was a deathly pale and honestly he looked like he could double over at any second.

"Suga are you okay?" Ukai asked, Suga nodded slowly muttering something to himself 

"I think you should sit out for a little bit Suga" Ukai put his hand on Suga's shoulder concerned

"okay" Suga muttered not even protesting which was weird, Suga walked over to the bench sitting down.  Kiyoko came over and sat next to him like she did before.  Kiyoko said something to him in French, he nodded but didn't really say anything else, he didn't seem to have much energy anymore.  After practice Suga was still talking with Kiyoko or more Kiyoko was talking to Suga he didn't say much to her maybe a few words here and there but not much.  I went over to them looking at Kiyoko concerned, she shrugged sharing the same look I had

"Suga are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah....," he muttered standing up slowly

"Are you sure you don't look very good" I insisted

"I'm fine..., really" he insisted walking ahead of me into the locker rooms still limping.  I frowned following him, he changed slowly and I was getting more and more concerned

"Suga I really don't think you're okay you're not acting like yourself, you haven't from the moment that practice started and even before" I pointed out walking with him

"Sorry" he apologized weakly


"I didn't mean to blow up at you like that I don't know why I was so angry I couldn't control my emotions" He muttered

"I just want to know why you blew up at me now you didn't before" I admitted "I just don't understand"

"I don't know I just felt....., angry" he insisted walking down the street with me,

"It's okay but I'm really worried about you" I told him

"I'm fine really" he insisted taking a step but as he shifted his weight to his right foot his knee buckled and he fell back down

"Suga are you alright!" I exclaimed kneeling down in front of him

"No.....," he finally muttered

(A.N. yeah this is cringy yeah I don't know what I'm doing but sure I like the story anyways)

Say cheese [Daisuga] discontinuedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora