Once we got the few luggages we flew with, our dad got us a taxi and we were on our way to our new home.

But I wasn't feeling the anticipation. Not at all.

Just one thought running through my head;

Will my new room be better than my old?

As those unnecessary thoughts ran through my head, I didn't notice when the car came to a halt.

I looked out the window and my jaw dropped.

"This house so beautiful." I awed as I step out of the car.

"Yes it is. Just wait till you see your rooms." Dad answered excitingly as they walked towards the front door.

"Make your self comfortable standing out here staring at the house." My brother mocked, standing by my side.

"Haha, very funny." I answered sarcastically before walking away from him towards the front door.

We all walked in and I couldn't help but gawk even more. The interior was very simple yet beautiful. The house feels so homely.

"I love this house." Asad cooed

"True that." Ali added, walking towards the stairs.

"Do you know you way around the house?" I asked him and he stopped, making me laugh.

"Let me show you to your rooms so you can all rest." Dad interjected, trying to suppress his own laughter.

Ali's room was shown to him first then Asad's and now we're right by the door of my room, I'm assuming.

"Yours. Away from your brother's loudness as you always wanted." Dad winked at me and I smiled.

"Thanks, dad." I told him and he left after patting my head.

I walked in and inhaled sharply. All white with specks of dust pink. That's the theme of my room.


eriously, dad? Pink?

I laughed and looked around the room, I noticed two doors at the side and I walked over and opened the first one. A tiled bathroom, a simple modern bathroom.

I walked out and opened the other door. It was a walk in closet with some clothes stocked already.

I liked it, I liked every single corner of this room.

Just then I heard my door open so I walked out of the closet to meet Ali leaning on the door frame.

"Need anything?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Let's go. Dad ordered Chinese." He motioned with his head and I sighed.

"Sure." I muttered and tailed behind him last he guided me to the kitchen.

We joined the rest of the family around the island, sitting beside Ali and Mom, and across from Asad and Dad.

Mid-lunch, dad spoke, "Your admissions have been completely processed. You're both to start 12th grade in Nevada High tomorrow. Make sure to go early so as to get the schedules in time for first period."

I almost choked on my fried rice so I pushed it down with some water.

"But we just arrived." I reasoned.

Ali, back me up here.

"Yeah, I mean, we got to rest and  get settled. This is a new environment for us." Ali explained and I nodded my head in full support.

"You'll have time for that. In the weekends. But you just have to go, I'm sorry."

"What about Asad?" I asked.

"Still processing." Mom chirped in and I sighed.

Dad's face suddenly lit up..

"I have a very good surprise for both of you that will surely lift up your mood." Dad beamed, looking at Ali and I.

We spared each other a glance.

"What is it?" We both asked simultaneously.

"Follow me outside, will you?" He got up and we followed behind immediately both in anticipation of what the surprise was.

Please be a car.

Please be a car.

Please let it be a car.

When we went to the parking garage, I saw 4 cars parked and our dad led us towards the last two.

I leaped inwardly.

I'm not dreaming, am I?

Dad snapped me out of my thoughts when he threw a key at me and I caught it with ease. He did same to Ali and we both stared at him.

"Destroy it and the next car you're going to get is the one you buy for yourselves." He warned but he had a small smile on his face.

"You're the absolute best." I squealed, jumping on him and he caught me, laughing heartily.

"Thank you." Ali told him with a curt nod while I checked out my car.

A Chevy Equinox, same car as Ali's but mine was black and his was grey in color.

"Hey, where's mine?" Asad asked, from behind us and we both turned and looked at him incredulously.

"You'll get yours when you grow up. But for now, be a good boy and your brother will be taking you to and from school, we good?" Dad said to Asad.

"Fine." He sulked and walked back into the house.

"Come on! Why shouldn't Kara take him?" He whined while I tried to suppress my smile.

"Because I believe you are more responsible." Dad answered and I shot him a look.

"What? Am I wrong?" Dad asked with a shrug.

"I will try." Ali chipped in with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Check out your cars and get some rest. Don't forget about school tomorrow." Dad added before leaving the parking space.

"Now, I can't wait for school tomorrow." I beamed jumping up and down as we walked back into the house, getting a shake of the head from my brother.

"You're such a child." He muttered and I punched his arm playfully.

"Race me to school tomorrow morning?" He asked and I looked at him with a smirk.

"You're on."

Her 'Not So Loving' Love LifeWhere stories live. Discover now