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The annoying sound that was coming from my alarm clock woke me up from my deep slumber with an urge to throw it against the wall.

I got up from my comfortable bed and walked to my bathroom, brush my teeth and did my wudhu. I walked out and placed my praying rug then prayed my morning prayer before going back to the bathroom to take my last good bath in my home.

I wore a white jeans trousers, a white shirt, a baby pink hijab and my white chunky boots that I picked out the previous night to avoid rummaging through my already packed boxes.

I went to Ali's room to wake him up because I know my brother. But, I found him up and sweating.

"Why the fuck are you sweating so much?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Well good morning to you too." He rolled his eyes at me as he tossed his drenched shirt in a box.

"Still on my previous question, why are you sweating so much?" I asked again, leaning on the door frame.

"Workout routine. Couldn't sleep." He stated and I straightened up, a little worried.

"You okay?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied.

I asked again, "Sure?"

"Yesss, now leave me so I can take my bath." He shooed me out.

"Alright, alright. I'm going."

I went to the kitchen with a cheery, "Good morning, mommyyy."

"Good morning, my darling. You're happy this morning." My mom pointed and I chuckled, taking the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and puring some for myself in a plastic cup.

"Woke up feeling gloomy actually. I don't know why I'm happy now." I told her truthfully, taking huge gulps of my juice.

I was starving.

There was a comfortable silence until I couldn't take it anymore.

"When will breakfast be ready?" I asked and she shook her head and accompanied it with a short laugh.


"Hurry up, Kids." Dad yelled while he pulled the last of our boxes out the front door.

"Right behind you dad." I yelled back.

After looking at what used to be my room one last time with a deep exhale, I dragged my feet down the stairs to join the rest.

"You good?" My brother asked, pulling me into a side embrace by his shoulder.

"I guess. Thank you." I replied, hugging him back and he kissed the top of my head. 

"Always here for you." He whispered to me before we exited our home with heavy hearts.


The moment our plane reached the sky, I started feeling drowsy.

Do not sleep Kara, it's just a 2 hour flight.

"You look like a drunk fool trying to stay awake. Just sleep, idiot." Ali mocked.

I didn't have the strength to argue so I poked my tongue at him and got comfortable in my seat, ready to sleep.

"Wake up." I heard my brother's voice but I just turned.

"Just let me sleep for a while." I mumbled.

"If you do not wake up this instant-"

"I'm up." My eyes shot open instantly at my mom's threat.

That woman can commit anything.

"Good for you." She said while buckling her seat belt. I did mine too and watched through through window as the airplane landed.

Her 'Not So Loving' Love LifeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat