My dad leaves the living room and goes into the kitchen to see my mom. I sigh and turn to Noah. He kind of looks like he's about to start crying, so I take his hand and lead him to my room.

Once in my room, I shut my door and turn to Noah and bring him into a hug. He hugs me back immediately and I feel his tears hit my shirt as I let him cry on me.

Noah doesn't cry often, there just isn't anything that really makes him cry that much. But the subject of his dad makes him cry like a baby. And it's one of the many things I love about him, that I am one of the only people he will cry around.

Noah's cries start to dwindle and he grows quiet. He soon pulls away from the hug and I miss his warmth.

"I'm sorry for crying on you like that. Sometimes your dad reminds me of...mine." He wipes the tear from his cheek and looks up at me with his gorgeous eyes. I could get lost in them.

"It's okay. I know that subject brings back memories. Whenever you need to cry, I'm here to be your pillow."

Noah chuckles and looks around my room. "So what do we do now?"

I turn to him with a smirk. "We can play on my PS4."

Noah's eyes light up and he nods. Noah is a videogame freak, I swear. He loves them so much, and it makes me happy seeing him so happy.

We play on my PS4 for a little while till my mom calls us down for dinner. Noah has been over so many times that we keep a certain space on our table for him to sit at when he comes over and stays for dinner.

We all sit down at the table and my mom starts handing out the food to everyone at the table. The food we are having tonight is my mom's special, steak with sautéed mushrooms. We also have some mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. My mom is a great cook, really.

Once all the food is passed out, we begin our normal dinner conversation. Noah sits beside me and Brody sits in front of me, while my parents sit on the opposite ends of the table. That's how it's always been. We do have a separate chair next to Brody, and across from Noah. That seat is used when we have more than one guest joining us.

"So Noah, how has school been going?" My mom asks, cutting into her steak.

"It's going pretty good. I could probably have a better grade in Chemistry though."

Brody groans from the other side of the table. "I did terrible in Chemistry when I took it. Good luck with that."

Noah chuckles and goes back to eating his food. My dad looks up at Noah and smirks.

"So Noah, any women on the market for you?" My dad chuckles and mom hits him on the shoulder. Noah blushes and looks down at his lap.

I can feel the jealousy in me and I grit my teeth. Brody notices and nudges me with his foot. He raises his eyebrows, which is a quiet way of him telling me to calm down.

"Um, no not really." Noah says. I feel a little more calm knowing there's no girl on his mind.

My dad raises his eyebrows. "Really? I'd think a handsome guy like you would have girls all over him."

I'm reminded of Clara immediately, ruining my used to be calm mood. Brody nudges my foot again.

"I don't know. I guess I don't really want to date any of them." Noah says, making me feel a little better.

My mom hits my dad on the shoulder again. "Jacob! Stop pressuring the kid to get a girlfriend. Whenever he gets one, he will."

We drop that conversation and go onto talking about a bunch of random things. Once dinner is done, I take Noah back to my room.

"Sorry my parents like to interrogate you so much."

Noah laughs. "It's fine. I can deal with them. Can we play videogames again?"

I smile and nod my head.


Mom comes in at about eleven to tell us that her and dad are going to bed. Noah and I decide to do the same, because both me and him are pretty tired.

I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth, and also put on some sweatpants and a random t-shirt. I leave the bathroom and let Noah take care of himself before bed also.

I'm not really sure how sleeping is going to work. Usually Noah and I just sleep in the same bed, so I think we'll be doing that? I'm really nervous. But as Brody said, just act normal.

I get into the side of the bed that I normally sleep on. Soon, Noah comes out of the bathroom and goes to turn off the lights. He soon crawls into bed beside me, and pulls the covers over himself as well.

It is quiet for a little while and I am beginning to fall asleep when I hear Noah speak. "Hunter?"

I open my eyes wide. "Yes, Noah?"

Noah is silent for a minute before he speaks again, "Can you come closer?"

He says it so shyly and it makes me smile. I turn so that I can face him and grab him from the other side of the bed and bring him to my side. He yelps bUt doesn't struggle against me. Once we snuggle up next to each other, it doesn't take long before Noah falls asleep. I fall asleep minutes later, feeling content at having him this close to me.


Sooooooo, how'd you guys like this chapter?

We love a good parent interrogation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also Hunter and Noah getting all cuddly like awww


Qotc: Winter or Summer?

Aotc: I like winter because I prefer colder weather, but it's really cold in Winter. My birthday is in the summer, so that's great. But there are a bunch of bugs in the summer and humidity. Idk I really like Fall though lmao.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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