Chapter 4- dress shopping

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October 28th 2024
6 years 6 months
3 years 3 months
Lizas pov
I woke up to Izzy and mason climbing on top of me "Good morning you two" I whispered not wanting to wake david. I opened my arms out and lifted up the comforter so that they could come and snuggle. They crawled in and pressed their little cold feet and hands against me but I wouldn't change it for the world. They both wriggled around and David started to wake up. "Morning baby" he said in his deep morning voice which was the sexiest thing ever "morning" I replied kissing his head. "Good morning little monkeys" he said wrapping his arms round mason and Isabella and pulling them closer to him. He kissed both their heads "morning dad" mason replied "hey there mr grown up since when do you call me just dad?" He asked mason "since I'm big now" he replied laughing a little. "Hi dad" Isabella said cheekily "not you as well" he said tickling them both until they were in fits of laughter. I just admired my amazing fiancée and my beautiful children. How did I get so lucky with these three?

We soon got out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast. We got ready and so did the kids. We packed them both a bag of snacks, toys and extra clothes as they are staying with my dad for the day while me and David are out shopping for outfits for our wedding which is the most exciting thing ever.
We dropped the kids at my dads hotel and then he took me to Kirsten's as she's taking me to the dress shop. When we got there I said bye and then got out. "Bye baby, I love you lots" I said kissing his cheek and hugging him "bye, I'm so sad I don't get to see your dress yet I know your gonna look so sexy" he said biting his lip fakely to look 'sexy' making me laugh a little "Okay bye love you" I said getting out "bye, love you" he replied.
We soon got to the dress shop and everyone was there. My mom, Olivia, Rachel and obviously Kristen. "Hi welcome, can I help you?" A lady asked walking over to us "Yeah, I'm here to find a wedding dress" I replied getting excited at the fact that soon I'm going to be married. "Okay follow me and one of the staff will hopefully help you find the perfect dress, good luck" she said showing us through to a room that was full of chairs and mirrors and a couple changing rooms. "Okay, thank you" I replied. Another member of staff came to us and then she pulled me away from my closest family and friend to try and find the perfect dress. I explained that it was going to be a beach wedding and she began to search through the masses of dresses hanging up. She pulled out a few putting them up to my body to get an idea of what it might look like. "So any you like?" She asked smiling "I was kind of thinking less poofy and more elegant" i explained hoping she would get it "ah I see" she said putting those dresses back and going to a section of dresses which was much more streamline.
After trying on lots of dresses I felt like already giving up. It seems so difficult and all the dresses are nice, yes, but none of them are perfect. "How is it?" I asked showing my family the twelfth dress knowing that it just didn't suit me. "It's lovely but I know you don't love it" my mom said. "This is really difficult" I said sitting down with my head in my hands "how am I meant to know which one is perfect?" I asked "i promise, you will find the perfect dress darling and you will know when it's the one" she replied I nodded and got back up to try some more.
As I was standing in the changing cubicle wearing only underwear I pulled out my phone and texted David 'this is actually the hardest thing ever I want to look so perfect for youuu, love you and miss you xx' I hit send and almost immediately he replied 'baby you will look good in anything so hushhh but miss you and love you too xx' he replied. I smiled at how cute he was before picking up my next dress. It was long and made of a soft silky material that flowed te the floor trailing a little behind. It was plain but had a detailed top part. It had spaghetti straps and was embroidered with lace and flowery details and it looked beautiful. But the thing is, i have thought this about so many other dresses and they just haven't suited me. I carefully pulled it on and it was already almost a perfect fit. I pulled the straps over my shoulders and it came perfectly down to show a little cleavage but not too much, it flowed perfectly down my body and behind me a little just like it was supposed to. I looked in the mirror and admired myself. This dress would make seriously make David go crazy. I walked out to my friends and family and I saw my mom and Kristen faces literally drop. "Wow liza" was all Kristen managed to say "oh my goodness honey you look unbelievable" she said, her eyes starting to tear up "mom if you start crying I will!" I said laughing a little "Wow little sis you look so beautiful" Olivia said "yeah liza you look stunning" Rachel added. "I think I found the dress" I said looking at how perfect it was in every mirror in sight. "Liza you are going to kill David" Kristen whispered to me and she hugged me "I know" I replied smiling from ear to ear.

"Okay so we will give you a call when it's ready, we hope you have had a pleasant experience" the lady on the cash register said "Okay thank you very much" I replied. "Liza i cant get how amazing you looked out of my head, I think I'm going to have to marry you" Kristen said laughing as we left. "Okay I'll see you all soon, love you lots" I said hugging my mom and then my sisters since they were going out shopping now. I was going to go but I'm really tired and I just want to get home to my favorite three.
"You really did look so good in that dress liza, I don't know why I got blessed with such a sexy best friend" Kristen said as she began to drive "I don't know why I was blessed with such an amazing best friend" I replied.
She soon dropped me home. "Thanks Kristen" I said hugging her "any day liza, we have to hang out more again I've missed you" she replied "I know I've missed you too" I replied "okay, bye" she replied "bye, thanks again" I said getting out and shutting gonna door. I waved her off before going up to the front door of my house. I still can't even believe that this house is mine and David's its so crazy. I pushed open the door and felt two little pairs of arms wrap around my legs. "Hey you two" I said bending down and hugging them "Mommy we missed you" mason said to me "i know little man but I'm back now and guess what I have w picture of my dress to show you both" I said to them. Just then David walked over to me wearing only shorts and a hoodie "you changed quickly" I laughed considering he was wearing jeans and a white shirt with his denim jacket when he left. "I know but I decided we're having the rest of the day watching movies and eating popcorn and snuggling on the couch" he said to me "that sounds amazing" I replied "popcorn?" Mason asked "yup your favorite" David replied he looked excitedly at me and I nodded to clarify that he was getting popcorn. Isabella was still wrapped tightly around my leg "what's wrong Izzy?" I asked picking her up and placing her on my hip "Bella missed you a lot" mason said "she even cried a bit but then she was brave" he added "aww babyyy" I said kissing her cheek. "I'm not going anywhere now so you can cuddle me for the rest of the day" I said to her. She nodded and snuggled into me closer which made my heart melt.

For the rest of the day we did exactly what David has planned. We snuggled under lots of blankets, ate endless amounts of popcorn and watched so many movies which we all sang along to.
Today has been one of the best days imaginable.

Thank you so much for reading I love you all!!
-Emily ❤️

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