Rewrite in the works

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Hey guys. Hope you've enjoyed the story. I know some might not enjoy this as much and I totally understand. This is the first of the first draft. So it's not up to snuff yet.  That's why I'm planning to rewrite the book come July 2019.

Well, I plan to. I mean, you guys know how well I stick to schedule*coughnotwellatallcough* but I'll try. I will definitely begin after finishing Accidental Roommates so that's a good gauge. [On a side note, please check that out :)]

So I know that my depiction of Elena's pregnancy wasn't that accurate or was to the extreme of the extreme or the most exaggerated of all pregnancy symptoms. Therefore, calling out to all the mommies!!!

Share with me how your pregnancy was. How did you feel or react to certain things? What were some of your cravings? I would like to take all of your experiences to enliven Elena's.

Also, air out some of your grievances. What else didn't you like with the story? Let me know so I know what appeals to you guys.

Once I am rewriting, I'll let you know. And FYI, I will only work on Xavier and Jessica after this. Don't want any difference in plots and such. So yeah.

Looking forward to your comments :)

[Pssstttt.... I am also working on some mini one shots of the AR and AB. They are all posted on my ko-fi page. Please check them out! And buy me a coffee if you're interested. THANKS]

Accidental Pregnancy (Rewriting Soon)Where stories live. Discover now