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I walked with Julio down to my house. We just started dating two weeks ago, and he's been amazing. I have never been treated so sweet by anyone. Except Ray. But, he's old news.

I smiled at Julio. "You wanna come in?"

"I would love to," Julio said, with his Spanish accent.

We both walked inside and sat on the couch, watching TV. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. When I swung open the door, lips smashed onto mine, making me stagger back. I pushed whoever's face off of mine. It was Ray.

"What the fuck, man?!? My boyfriend all up in here, and you tryna kiss on me. What's yo problem?!"

Ray looked down. "So, you moved on, didn't you?"

"Yes, and that's exactly what you should be doing right now, instead of trying to suck my lip up!"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you how much I missed you. But, I guess you don't feel the same."

He turned and walked away. Of course I feel the same way about him. Its just that I can't find a way to choose who I want. Ray and Julio are both great guys. But, Ray had a chance. Honestly, it wasn't because he blew it. It was because we fell apart on our own.

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