Blue Gangsta||Ray

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I grabbed my phone and texted Jay that I would be here when he arrived. It's so fun to play boys for some good reason. The last boy I played was Rayan Lopez. He really caught feelings and thought I felt the same. Wow, what a dreamer. I thought I had heard something downstairs, but I thought nothing of it. I turned my lamp off to go to bed, only to hear a gun cock behind my head. Why didn't I listen to my gut and check downstairs? I started to sweat, because I was so nervous and scared.

"Get up."

I sat up and turned around. When I saw his braids, I choked.


He turned the lamp on. "Yeah, it's me."

As soon as he said that, I laughed. Just straight up laughed. I don't know why, but it was funny. The more I laughed, the harder it got to stop. He just stared nonchalantly. He looked like he was tired and bored when he pulled out another gun and cocked it. I instantly shut up. He was serious.

"Why'd you laugh at me, Y/N? What was funny? I wanna laugh at the fuckin' joke, too. Before I pop a bullet in your skull, I wanna laugh."

"I-I-I, how did you..... How did you get in my HOUSE?!"

"It was too easy. Yo guards ain't shit. And so aren't you. Why you hurt me like that, Y/N?! I really loved you. I thought you were better than this..... But, you're nothing but a dick-fiending ho, I guess."


He put the gun to my head. And had no hesitation to pull the trigger.

•°•Blue Gangsta by Michael Jackson•°•

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