Hold My Liquor||Roc

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I pulled up into my soon-to-be ex-husband's driveway. Ugh, this place looked gross. I walked up towards his door and knocked. He answered, lookin' like he done went through Whoopi Goldberg's ass and back. This nigga looked like straight up trash. He ain't shaved in a week. He had on the same clothes from when I told him it was over, which was 5 MONTHS AGO. His house looked like it had been through the struggle, too. He had an empty vodka bottle in his left hand, and an ice pack in the right.

"Y/N, you're back."

I snickered. "Back? Tuh, no the fuck I'm not. I just came to give you the divorce papers, so you can sign 'em." I handed them to him. "Here."

"Man, I don't want that shit," he said pushing them away.

"You gon' sign this shit, bruh." I threw them at him. "I ain't even have to come here. Could've just mailed this piece of shit to you."

"Look," he said, grabbing my hand. "Why'd you leave?"

I snatched it away. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to."

As I started to walk to my car. He stopped me by saying something that made my heart ache.

"I still love you."

•°•Hold My Liquor by Kanye West•°•

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