part 4

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i stood up in sync with asher.
"have fun." jayden winked at me. i rolled my eyes and we entered the closet.
we sat down in the darkness, with silence for the first minute.
"hey, i wanted to ask you something?" asher asked scooting closet to me.
"what's that?"
"you said your real name is julianna, but you got the nickname annie. well we have time for a story now."
"well my brother gave me the nickname." i felt my eyes start to water, thank god it was dark.
"how come you didn't mention him to the class?"
"he, um. he passed away six years ago."
"oh my god i'm so sorry i shouldn't have brought it up i just wanted to know why i thought-"
"it's fine, it's really fine. it's better you know now then later." i put my hand over his, forgetting all of the problems.
"why did you tell me not to get the nurse?" i asked.
"when you were in the stairwell? why did you not want me to help?"
"if you told her, i wouldn't be able to play in the game on sunday. it's the game where a scout is coming out to watch. i need to play if i even want a chance of a scholarship."
"oh. i see."
we probably had 2 minutes left, when i felt asher put his hand on my cheek.
"the people at my lunch table, they're well, obsessed with you. they want you, badly. please don't do anything with them, not for some underlying reason, but just the fact that they'll use you, and rip out your confidence. you deserve more then that." he confessed.
"oh, wow." i sighed. i heard asher say something, but all i felt in that moment was ashers lips against mine. in which he quickly pulled away.
"you can come out now!" i heard one of the girls yell. i took my hand off of ashers, in shock about how he could be so bold.
the closet door was opened by asher, and we were stared at by the group.
"nothing happened you perverts." asher laughed sitting back in his spot. i returned to mine as well.
"i just don't understand how any of this happened so quickly." i explained my concerns with brynn as i washed my face.
"i'm not sure either, especially with someone as closed off as asher." brynn sighed.
"i know right ! like i'm not crazy but i feel like i shouldn't be the one he likes."
"well girls have been after him for years, maybe he just likes you  and not them? you're a lot different then the other girls. less slutty and self absorbed."
"i don't know, why me though? i'm not pretty, i'm new, i'm shy, and i just broke up with my boyfriend of over a year. i'm not exactly mentally ready for what he wants."
"first of all, shut the fuck up. you're gorgeous stop telling yourself you're not. and second, you don't need to date him. just establish a friendship first and see where it goes."
it was then when we heard a knock on brynns door, and jayden and kenzie entered, without lilia, weird.
"hey we're going on a walk with the boys to seven trip park, do either of you want to go?" jayden asked
"um jayden, it's midnight. i'll go but don't you think the park is closed by now?" i laughed.
"come-on live a little," jayden smirked, "it's not fun to go during the day when all the kids are there."
"ok ok, i'll go. where's lilia?"
"did she not tell you? her mom picked her up because her grandmas back in the hospital, she went there like 30 minutes ago."
"really? i'll have to text her later to see how she's doing," i frowned, "but sure, let's go."
"brynn! what the hell!" i laughed after brynn explained her story.
"i know i know. i used to be a rebel five year old." she threw up a piece sign and the group joined in on my laughter.
i glanced over at asher, he had his face inside of his phone. he looked upset. when i caught a glance of what was on his phone, it was direct messages between him and, johnny? what? why on planet earth was he texting johnny. my mind went blank as i stared at his screen trying to make out what the messages said.
he looked up and saw me staring and his facial expression turned to confusion.
he walked up to me while our friends continued to talk, but before he could say something, i cut him off.
"why were you texting johnny? what did you say?" i questioned.
"it's nothing. it wasn't anything about you ok?"
"what else would it be about? do you know him or something?"
"annie it's not-"
"please just tell me."
"i dated his sister. that's it ok? i didn't want you to know but now you do. ok?"
"you dated lauren? why does that matter? i don't care.." i dragged out the last sentence, "sorry for pushing."
"it's fine. don't worry about it."
we looked away from each other, in silence and confusion about what had just happened.
"annie! hey!!" i heard from across the street. i turned my head to see a girl with bright strawberry blonde hair. my eyes widened.
"nadia, when did you move in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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