Part 3

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There would be a third date, though Joe found that it wasn't much of a surprise anymore. He was still busying himself with work. He had a script he had been focusing on for the past few weeks and while he normally had a very cut and paste sort of way of when it came to his writing, this specific piece had been giving him trouble.

Rami had been pestering him about it, wanting to see if there were changes that needed to be made, but he refused. Joe didn't like other people getting involved with his work. It was bad enough he had to follow the rules that the big wigs in the studio set up for them, but at the end of the day, he had to be okay with what he created.

He found himself getting more frustrated than anything and asked Ben if they could meet up. He decided to go to the one place that he went to when he needed to get his mind off things and invited Ben to join him there.

The beach was always comforting to Joe. While it was no baseball field, the soft sounds of the crashing waves always calmed his nerves. He dressed nicely, while also trying to seem like he didn't put too much effort in. When Ben arrived, he found that they were in similar colors.

"Blue looks good on you," Ben mentioned, gesturing to the cotton crew neck Joe was wearing.

Joe smiled gently, accepting the compliment that was given. Lifting his hand, he rubbed the back of his head slowly, scratching his skin nervously. "I'm more of a green guy, myself." He admitted, trying to make a joke out of it. Clearing his throat he looked back to the blond. "But you look good. Jeans really show off your assets." He complimented slowly.

Ben laughed, taking in Joe's attempt to flirt. They walked along the boardwalk, side by side though they kept a bit of distance between one another.

"So. I must say I'm surprised you contacted me." Ben mentioned to him as their stroll continued. "I thought you might have had enough after our second date."

"Oh, but I did. It's that dog I really wanted to see. Frankie? Oh, she has me wrapped around her tail." Joe kept his words as serious as possible.

Ben just smiled on, bumping his shoulder into Joe's playfully. "Shame I didn't bring her."

Joe shrugged it off, looking off into the distance. "Shame indeed."

They kept walking, accepting the silence until they reached the end. Ben leaned against the railing, turning his focus onto Joe. "Tell me why you asked me to come here."

Joe looked confused, not fully understanding the question. After a moment, it clicked. "I didn't want to be in my office." He admitted. He told Ben about the script he had been working on and how he's been having trouble with it. He didn't like confessing things like this to people, but there was something about Ben he liked.

He listened to him. Truly listened. He didn't cut him off or suggest something stupid. He allowed him to rant and then when they were through, he made little comments here and there, but he never offered a solution. Never tried to fix anything.

Joe liked that about Ben and it didn't take much more for Joe to realize he liked Ben as well. He was still learning about him, but that was the whole point of a date. To learn everything you could about the person.

Ben wasn't an open book. He didn't keep secrets but he didn't share everything either. He told Joe whatever he wanted to know, like why he was in the US and how long he had been there. He had a work visa and updated it whenever he needed it. He used to want to be a model but things changed over time. Plans and people changed.

Joe knew all about people changing.

When they left the boardwalk, Ben walked Joe to his car. He didn't show off his money often but he always had a driver. It was easier that way. Joe suddenly felt shy and lead him away, continuing their walk down the street.

The sounds of the waves were muffled from this point, but he could still smell the ocean. He could still imagine the salt spray on his face from the gentle wind.

"So. This is our third date." He mentioned to him, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his hoodie.

"So it is."

"Isn't there like...a tradition with third dates or something."

Joe felt like a moron for even talking about this. He didn't know if he was just bringing up the topic or if he was implying that he wanted to follow along with that tradition. The third date was usually the first kiss or at least it had been when he was young. Things were different now. People slept together on the first date or even without having to date at all.

Ben made no motion to try to get into his pants. He didn't even try to hold Joe's hand when they walked down the street. He tossed the ball completely into Joe's court and left everything for Joe to decide.

Joe didn't know if he wanted to kiss the man. He had a very kissable face, that was for sure. His lips were red and pouty. Joe was almost envious of it. He found himself wondering often if they were as soft as he believed they were. And if Ben used a specific type of lip balm to keep them soft or if he even used any at all.

"Is that what you want, Joe? To follow in tradition?" Ben had asked him, pausing their walking so they could look to one another.

"Who doesn't like tradition?" He suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

"Right." Ben murmured. "Well then, by all means. Follow along with the rest of the ducklings Mr. Mazzello."

Joe raised a brow, wondering if Ben was mocking him. Did he not want to kiss him? Did he find the act stupid or pointless? They were going out, again and again, surely kissing one another and ultimately doing more was the endgame, was it not?

Joe was left feeling confused. If he kissed Ben, would he even kiss him back? Was it all for nothing?

Ben was laughing at him, moving to step closer. "You're cute when you think too hard." He mentioned.

Joe rolled his eyes, leaning forward to close the space between them. The kiss was chaste but nice. It was Joe's first kiss in what seemed like ages and while it wasn't sending sparks all over the place, he liked it nonetheless.

When they pulled away, the two men continued walking with no destination in mind.

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