Chapter 28 "My Door Is Always Open"

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Taking furlough, Casey is right beside Shaylynn's side as she goes through therapy to help get her memory back.
Cindy Herrmann and the whole Herrmann family has stepped up to help take care of the girls so Shaylynn doesn't have so much stress on her while she tries to get back that missing time.


Walking into the house after Shaylynn's sixth therapy session, Casey can't get over how quiet the house is with the girls being gone. But he knows it's for the best while Shaylynn tries to get better.

Casey walks into the kitchen to find Shaylynn sitting at the breakfast bar. He walks to the refrigerator and pulls out some food to start making supper.
Walking over to the counter, he sits the stuff down to see Shaylynn just staring out into space.
After a couple of minutes, he starts putting stuff into the oven, "How's the little boy?" Shaylynn asks him out of nowhere.
Casey turns around and looks at her, "What little boy?" he asks.
"The little boy Alicia and I got out of the tree," she tells him.
He gets a huge smile on his face, "Can you tell me about that rescue?" he asks her.
Shaylynn gives him an odd look, "Alicia and I went up on a Telehandler to get a little boy that was hurt in a tree," she says, "Don't you remember the call?" she asks him.
Casey's smile gets bigger.
He walks around the counter and over to her. Helping her stand up, he hugs her.
"Matt, what's going on? Why can't I remember anything after getting the boy out of the tree," she asks him looking at the calendar that's hanging up, "Is it really March?" she asks.
Casey backs up from her, "Yes, it's really March."
Shaylynn gets a confused look on her face, "What happened to me?" she asks him.
"A gust of wind knocked you off and slammed you into the tree causing you to forget some time," Casey tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him even more confused, "Do you know what I forgot?"
Casey looks down at the floor, "Me and the girls," he tells her, "You thought you and Jay were still dating. When you saw me in your hospital room, you yelled at me to get out."
She can't believe what she's hearing, "Matt, I'm so sorry!" she tells him with a tear making its way down her cheek, "Where are the girls?"
"They're with the Herrmanns. Cindy has been taking care of them. That way there wasn't a lot of stress on you while you get better," Casey tells her.
"I can't believe that happened," Shaylynn says, "I guess what they said is true."
Casey looks at her concerned, "Who said what?" he asks her.
"That with all the concussions I got in the Middle East that any more head trauma could cause me to forget time," she says.
Casey looks at her very concerned, "Why didn't you tell me this?" he asks her.
"I try not to think about the Middle East and what happened over there," she says, "I met some wonderful people over there that I couldn't save," she tells him with more tears falling from her eyes.
Casey takes her into an embrace, "It's alright. What matters now is that you remember what you lost."
Shaylynn backs up from him, "Have you been off all this time?"
"Yes," Casey says, "I wasn't going to leave you alone. I slept in the guest room so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable."
Shaylynn looks at Casey, puts her hand behind his head, then kisses him.
Pulling his head back, he smiles at her, "I've missed that," he tells her then starts kissing her again.
Backing up from him, Shaylynn walks to the oven and takes out the food sitting it on the counter. She then turns the oven off.
Walking back over to Casey she grabs his hand and leads him over to the back stairs leading him up.
Reaching the master bedroom, they walk in.
"Shaylynn," Casey says worried about what she's going to do, "You don't have to do this," he tells her.
She grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it off, "I know," she tells him, "I want to do this!"
Hearing that Casey pulls her to him and starts kissing her passionately.
He has missed having his wife, all of his wife.
Quickly making his way out of his clothes, Casey doesn't waste any time getting Shaylynn out of hers and getting into bed.
Caressing her, he thinks how much he has missed touching her skin.
Not wasting any time, they start making love.


After her last therapy appointment, Shaylynn's back at the Firehouse with Casey.
She walks into the Common room with Casey by her side, everyone is standing up and applauding.
Herrmann is the first up to her to give her a hug, "It's great to see you, kiddo!" he tells her.
"Thank you," she says to him.
One by one everyone comes up to her with Severide being last.
"It's great to have you back!" he says hugging her, breathing in her perfume.
"You have to see what we have," Mouch says leading her back toward the kitchen.
People move out of the way then Shaylynn sees a cake sitting there.

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