Chapter 1 Getting To Know Melissa

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Hi, I'm Melissa Robertson, and I have a stupid curse that makes me stumble into every problem you could possibly have. I have lived a very long miserable 16 years and its been dreadful. But with the same life, same girl, and the same 16 years, you kinda learn to live with it. With this kind of life, you really learn to take precautions. For example, my whole house is full of foam, pillows, and just about anything soft or squishy. I love school and my family and friends, but my stupid curse just sucks the fun right out of everything, and I mean everything! You see, all of this started hundreds of years ago with my great, great, great, great, grandfather. He fell in love with a beautiful young lady name Isabelle, and it just happened that she was a servant. Grandfather's whole family laughed and his friends, too. He finally agreed with them and fell in love with another woman to which he didn't tell about Isabelle. Isabelle saw the whole wedding-she had to cater-and she was so torn, she hung herself. Her mother just happened to be a witch and so she cursed all the female Robertsons. Luckily, my mom Fionna's maiden name was Jacklyn. So here I am stuck with this stupid curse.

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