Birthday party Part2:

Start from the beginning

Plan:"Yeah, why not , Alvin will be happy too, how about next month , there will be a holiday , we can go to Disneyland in Paris "

Mean and Perth spoke at the same time :" hey ....wait a minute , you didn't even ask us "they gave a dead glare to their wives ...

Saint:" You guys will accept cause we said so , so no need to ask... "he gave a wink to plan

The two husbands were frustrated when they heard the answer of saint , they could only sigh , it turned out their wives are becoming savage too much lately

Mean:" Alvin , baby come here , its time to go home .."mean was calling his son who was still playing with Alaila
They heard foot steps coming towards them , all of them turned around to see , they found Alvin coming while locking hands with Alaila , Alvin stared at alaila before reaching to her cheek and giving her a quick peak while saying :" goodbye , Alaila, see you next time, don't talk with another boy OK..." he gave her the trust look

Both of the parents couldn't believe , what did they just saw ?!! Saint and plan were just blinking, on the other side mean was chuckling , he quickly bring Alvin next to him and said with a proud tone :"Yeah that's my son "....
Perth quickly carried Alaila and spoke with a frown  :" what's this , Alaila i thought we already talked about this and i said no boyfriend allowed until you reach twenty , OK.."

Alaila could only pout :"but daddy , i love him... "
Saint:"w....what?!, Perth take her to mom  before i faint "..

Plan:"bye, saint , see u soon ...just forget about what you heard ...hahaha"he said while laughing loudly ....

Saint:" Plan,don't even think that i will gave my daughter to your son , never...."

Skip :midnight 🔞🔞🔞

Saint's mom insisted that they spend the night at her house, since it's already late , Perth couldn't refuse it's not good to say no to an older person especially his husband mom , Alaila slept with her grandma , while they slept in saint bedroom

saint bedroom :

Inside the quiet room , the two husbands are now laying in the same bed , eyes half closed , Perth couldn't help but sigh as he turned to the other side , he didn't even wish a good night for saint witch made saint feel weird is Perth okay, maybe he is tired ,  he thought , he then decided to ask him just to make sure that everything is okay:
"Perth are you tired , it was a long
day ...." Saint asked in a gentle tone

"No, it was a great day , we met our old friends and we had a lot of fun , also Alaila was  very happy , its just forget about it good night. " he replied softly but with a hint of need turning  away from saint
Saint:"It's just what Perth ?!! Are you bored ?!" Saint was frowning

Perth:"No , I didn't mean it like that, its just that i miss u , i miss your smell , i miss your kiss ....I Really ...Want...To do you " Perth couldn't take it anymore he blurted out , with a mix of need running through his veins , he took a breath watching saint blank face, after a while saint managed to speak with a shy tone :

"Mmm.....actually Pin i prepared a surprise for you , but i couldn't show it to you because the party finished late" he spoke in a shy tone avoiding any eye contact with his husband
Perth eyes opened widely while looking at saint with anticipation he didn't take a sec :
"Show it to me" he spoke with a deep hoarse voice making saint shiver

Saint:"But....Pin..I can't I'm very embarrassed and its already late "
Perth:"I said show it to me " he stared at saint with a strong gaze
Saint:"Do you really want to see it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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