Denmark x Norway

233 8 10

Trigger warning: none! Happy reading

Human names:
Norway - Lukas Bondevik
Denmark - Mathias Kølher

Lukas's pov.

I opened my front door and walked in, beginning to take off my tie. Some days, work just made me want to quit, much like today. I walked in and put my coat on the coat rack before noticing that Mathias hadn't some to greet me yet.

"Dane? Where are you?" I asked in a calm voice. To my surprise, there was no response. I continued my way down the hall, checking in rooms that I passed for my Danish boyfriend. As I got to the kitchen, I heard a humming noise.

Poking my head into the kitchen, I saw Mathias humming and dancing along to music that was playing through his earphones. I briefly smiled, before walking over to him and hugging him. To stopped dancing and took out his ear phones, before picking me up.

"Hey babe! How was your day at work?"

I let out a groan and rested my head on his shoulder. He chuckled softly and ran his fingers through my hair gently, being careful to avoid my curl.

"That bad, huh?" He said as I nodded into his shoulder. He thought for a minute before grinning, "I know what'll make you feel better!" And with that, he marched out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom. With an elegant kick, he opened the door and placed me on the bed.

I sat there and watched him as he ran out to grab some things. Sometimes, I had no idea what was going through his head. When he came back, I could barely see him over the mountain of blankets and pillows he had. Honestly, I'm surprised he made it back without been able to see where he was going.

He dumped the pile next to me, before starting to toy with them. As he did this, he talked about what he did, and as usual, how much he missed me. I didn't watch him, as I was thinking about what he was saying. Part of me felt really bad for being out at my job so often.

I never asked for days off, and I'd only have a day off if I was sick. I looked over at Mathias to apologize to him but stopped. He has built us a nest of blankets and pillows, with some of my stuffed toys there as well.

He grinned at me, "What do you think, babe? Now we can cuddle!"

I said nothing as I got into the nest and hugged my pink bunny toy. Mathias chuckled and got in next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close. He brushed his finger through my hair and let out a chuckle as I wrapped my legs around him.

"I know how stressful work can be for you, Lukas... That's why I try and make your evenings as stress free as possible. I made you butter cookies and coffee." He said, while pointing to a cup of coffee with butter cookies.

This made my heart flutter. Sometimes, I felt like I couldn't love him because I'm not the best at showing emotion. And yet, no matter what, he always did so much for me and never once made it seem like I had to do something in return.

"And also... babe? You're crying! W-was it something I said?!"

I hadn't noticed the tears rolling my cheeks, but Mathias did. Oh Mathias... if only I could fully express how much I truly loved you. I felt my tears being wiped away and my cheeks been softly kissed. When I looked up, I was met with Mathias staring at me with his vibrant blue eyes.

Once more, I felt myself get lost in those beautiful eyes.

Mathias's pov.

Lukas wasn't being himself, and I could tell. I knew that he usually didn't respond that often, but he's never cried unexpectedly like that before. He always let's me know a few days in advance if he's going to cry.

When his eyes met mine, his gaze softened and I felt myself getting lost in his mysterious violet eyes. I loved gazing at his eyes when he wasn't noticing, but I'd never been able to do it while we were staring at each other so intently.

I reached out and gently caressed his cheeks with my hands. He seemed to lean into my touch, and I didn't mind. It was subtle things that he did, that made my stomach twist in knots and make my heart flutter.

Sometimes, early in the morning, I'll wake up to him playing with my hair. I usually let him do it, because he mumbles as he does. His violin playing is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. When he's reading, I can see a small smile on his face that makes me want to protect him with my life.

I brought his lips to mine, tasting coffee and butter. No matter how many times I've kissed him, it still feels like I'm kissing him for the first time. We kissed until the need for oxygen came. He looked at me with the smallest of smiles.

"Mat... I..."

He seemed to not be able to find the words. I let out a small chuckle and held him close, wrapping the blanket around the two of us. I knew that he was going to try and apologize to me. And I wasn't going to have it.

"Don't say anything, Luka. You don't need to apologize for anything. There's nothing to apologize for. I know you may not think it, but there are so many things that you do that make me know how much you love me. You don't have to prove yourself worthy of my love. You are. You always have been and you always will be."

Lukas stared at me with wide eyes, then hugged me tight. We didn't speak, but we both knew that we didn't have to. After a while, I heard a soft snore from the Norwegian who had latched himself onto me.

I chuckled and kissed his forehead before making sure he was comfortable and then I fell asleep, holding him like the precious treasure he is.

Third person pov.

The coffee and biscuits lay forgotten, and the next morning, the coffee was cold and there were ants on the biscuits.


Wowie! I love the Nordic 5! Hope you like this fluffy Dennor I wrote :)

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