|Twenty Six|

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"Oh Harry!" Hermione sobbed, immediately jumping into Harry's muscular arms. Draco stood in the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Get this over and done with, or rather... take your time, seeing as this will be the last time you'll ever see Potter." Draco barked.

Hermione's heart dropped to her stomach at the sound of his words. She proceeded to reciting her apologies, only to be stopped by Harry, placing an index finger against her lips, and smiling at her sadly. He then, leaned forward and whispered something.
"Do you trust me?" Harry whispered. Hermione bit her lip before nodding quietly.

"Alright Potter." Draco said abruptly. "Don't get to close to Hermione, she's... mine." He drawled.
Harry glared at him with furious anger.

Hermione stood up. "Draco don't."
"Shut up." He retorted.
Harry's angry growl was in close proximity with a wild animal's growl. "I'll make you regret ever laying your filthy hands on Hermione, you disgusting ferret!"

Draco then proceeded to grabbing Hermione by the waist, causing her body bump against Draco's. "I want you... horribly." He whispered, lips against her collarbone. "Not here Draco."

There was a sudden flash of red, following by a oomph sound, leaving Draco's mouth, and before Hermione knew it, Draco was lying against the wall, clearly unconscious.
Harry was standing behind the flabbergasted Hermione, the ropes on his body severed off, his wand in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"Harry..." "No time for discussions." Harry said, pulling her out of the dungeon like room by her arm. "Where are your kids? We've got to go, quickly!"
"How do you know..."
"There isn't any time for that!" Harry roared. "I need you to tell me where you kids are."

Hermione briefly told Harry Storm and Crystal's location before they sprinted forward, Hermione slightly lagging behind Harry.
They stormed into the nursery, rather loudly, causing the twins to burst into wails simultaneously. Hermione found it quite odd, how they always cried and calmed down at the same time. It was... odd.

Shaking that thought away, she snatched the wand of Harry's hand. The wooden stick felt weird and foreign in her hand, as heat engulfed her entire hand.
She said a few locking charms, before tossing the wand back to Harry.
Harry grinned. "I didn't think you'd still know how to-" "Shut up and help me pack!"
"Right." He grabbed a duffel bag identical to Hermione's, before stuffing what Harry assumed as Storm's belongings, into the bag.

The door suddenly opened, despite the fact that it was locked with many effective spells. It was Draco, with a murderous look in his eyes. "Hermione." He said, clearly seething. "You better unpack those bags, put that child down and come over here before I make you."

Hermione gulped. She didn't want him to make her. Harry glared at Draco, before pointing his wand at her. "You will not touch Hermione anymore. She's coming with me."
Draco chuckled, also pointing his wand at him. "Don't be daft Potter. You might as well give up, and willing join your mummy and daddy six feet under."
Harry lunged at Draco, launching a punch on his nose. Draco stumbled back, cupping his nose. He retaliated however, by grabbing Harry by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

Harry launched a few blows, on his face and stomach, causing him to double over in pain.
It was as if Harry had gone completely mad. Draco was on the floor and so was Harry, on top of him, beating every inch of his face.

"Harry stop!" Hermione cried, pulling Harry off him. His fists were bloody, similar to his broken nose, and he still had a murderous look in his eyes.

Draco, however, was worse for wear. His left eye was swollen shut, his lip was busted and his nose was broken as well. He seemed unconscious.

Harry turned to Hermione, before taking Crystal from her arms. "Right," He panted. "Lets-"
His words were cut of by Draco, who had his wand pointed at Hermione.
"Crucio." He croaked.

The red beam of light shot forward, missing Harry's ear by an inch, but unfortunately hitting Hermione squarely on the chest.

A white hot pain coursed throughout her body. Hermione heard a shrill, ear piercing scream, before realising that the scream was from her own mouth

The pain, was so unbearable that she felt her body weaken.
Before she knew it, the everything before her became a dark abyss of nothingness.
Hushed whispers welcomed Hermione as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes had to adjust to the brightness of the room she was in, since she wasn't used to anything remotely bright.

Hermione groaned. It still felt like her body was trampled by a herd of buffaloes.
The pain in her body and the softness of the sheets put her off from getting up. She just wanted to lie there, in the soft, lavender talcum scented sheets.

Despite being awake, she didn't bother sitting up. That is, until she heard an awfully familiar voice.
"D'you reckon she'll be okay?" The person questioned.
Hermione immediately sat up, registering her surroundings, she was in a quite messy yet colourful room. The peeling of the wallpaper was hidden by several Weird Sisters posters plastered on the wall.

What made her realise she wasn't at Malfoy Manor, was the scent of salt water that lingered in the air.
"Where am I?" Hermione absentmindedly asked.
"You're at Shell Cottage."
Hermione finally acknowledged the person speaking and when she did, she nearly fell off the bed.

A broad shouldered, lanky man was staring back at her. He had a lopsided smile on his freckled face, and his red, longer than usual hair covered his left eye. His sky blue eyes sparkled with joy.

The man she thought she'd never see...

Ronald Weasley, was standing before her.

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