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Hermione stared, at the sleeping figure that was Draco.
To think, someone so disturbed, so hateful, so black hearted, could look so angelic.
Hermione loved watching how his chest rose and fell, loved playing with his soft blonde locks, and loved listening to his rapid heartbeats. 

Hermione notice the tattoo on his left arm, the skull with a snake protruding from its mouth tempting her to touch it. Hermione bit her lip, as her fingers brushed against the dark inking on his pale skin.
What she didn't expect to feel was a electric shock like sensation. Hermione quickly withdrew her fingers from the Dark Mark, hoping that Draco didn't feel that as well.

Unfortunately he did. He shot up from his sleeping position, his eyes searching frantically for the person who touched his Dark Mark, until it landed on Hermione.
"I thought I told you not to touch it!" Draco hissed through gritted teeth, as he grabbed her wrist.
"I-" Draco didn't let her finish. Instead he grunted in anger and got off the bed, picking up his discarded t-shirt and putting it on, before leaving the dark room.
Hermione quickly grabbed a cardigan, and slipped it over her silk nightie, before following.

She continued to follow her lover until she found herself outside the large doors of Malfoy Manor. Draco just stood, staring ahead, wind blowing at his platinum hair.
"Draco," Hermione said. He ignored her.
"Baby I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have touched it." Hermione whispered, wrapping her thin arms around his waist.

Draco reacted, by yanking her arms off his waist and walking forward. Hermione felt tears form in her hazel eyes. "Draco..." She breathed.
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up, please? All you ever do is whine and cry... honestly, is that all you're good for?" Draco snapped. Hermione staggered back, like she was punched in the stomach. "I'm s-sorry."
Draco ignored her apology and kept looking ahead. "I'll just..." And with that, she walked back into the manor, holding back her tears. Draco was left alone, with his thoughts.
Hermione made her presence unknown to Draco and every other life form in the manor. How? She simply shut herself up in her room.

It wasn't like Draco cared, at that moment. He was far too preoccupied by alcohol to care.
For a while, everything seemed hazy.

He was looking for Hermione, for some reason. The most obvious place to find her, he thought, was at the nursery.
Draco's intuition was right. There she was, sitting on the grassy nursery floor, staring absently at a pink tulip in her hand. He drunkenly stumbled into the room, barely catching the brunette's attention.
"Hermione," Draco grunted. "Where the hell were you? I've been looking for you for ages."
No reply came from her.
"Get your arse here now, I want you to do something for me."
"Fuck off, Draco." Hermione blurted out before she could stop herself.

"What?" Hermione tried to keep her shaking under control. That tone... he was surely pissed off.
He heard his heavy footsteps, as he approached her. She slowly stood up, composing her shaking body. Facing him, she looked directly into his dark grey eyes, which where dark from intoxication.
"Say that again." He barked.
"I-I said fuck off, Draco." Hermione whispered.
Draco released a humourless chuckle. "Look who grew a pair!" The closer he approached her, the further back she went, until her back was touching the wall. Hermione wasn't sure of his next move, since Draco was unpredictable when he was drunk.

He towered over her shaky frame, glaring down at her. "Go away Draco." She whimpered, closing her eyes and turning her head.
There was no sound from him, only deep raspy breaths. Hermione patiently waited for the blow.
It came.

Hermione could never get used to the harsh slaps that she regularly got from her lover, to 'set her straight', since that's what Draco made Hermione believe love was all about.
Surely she didn't need any setting straight when she was pregnant, right?

"I'm s-sorry." She said between sobs.
"What happened to that courage? Don't tell me it just disappeared!"
"I didn't tell you to talk back, bitch!"
Hermione body was now shaking with silent sobs, much to Draco's annoyance. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, and pulled her forward into his hard chest.
He smirked at her which sent chills down her spine. "That smart mouth of yours... let's see if it's going to help you now."
With his left hand, he landed a punch on the side of her face. He let go of her, letting her slide down the wall, clutching her cheek.

He looked down at her, just like how a lion would look at its prey. "D-Draco."
"I didn't give you permission to talk!" He yelled, kicking her in the side. That shut her up. She clamped her lips shut, preventing and screams from leaving her mouth.
The scream Hermione was trying oh so hard to suppress, escaped her lips when Draco stomped on her wrist, causing a cracking sound to ring through the room.
"You deserve this! You deserve every bit of this for being idiot! For being an ungrateful little bitch!" He shouted, grabbing her hair, and slamming her head into the wall.
Her vision became foggy for a moment before it went back to normal.
She watched, as he left the room, leaving her alone with her aching body.

With her good hand, she wrapped a bandage around her broken wrist, wincing slightly. Hermione couldn't heal any of her wounds since she was denied the privilege of using magic and Lola and Delilah weren't in the manor.

When she saw the state of her face, she completely broke down. There was a large, purple bruise from the top of her ear, to her chin, a cut near her ear, which she thought was caused by his nails, and when she lifted her dress... she had to hold back her sobs. The bruise on her face was nothing compared to that one. It went from under her breast, covering almost half of her swollen stomach, and ended right at her waist.

She just wanted to faint. She felt so weak, so pathetic. The old Hermione Granger wouldn't have let something like this happen to her. She would have fought back.

'Hermione Granger doesn't exist anymore... she's been replaced by this weakling called Hermione Malfoy. A loyal wife to Draco Lucius Malfoy, and a mother-to-be.'

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