|Twenty Two|

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As steam rose from the hot jets of water, Draco ran his fingers through his blonde locks. Showers, they helped him think straight. The hot water relaxed him, and cleared his mind.
Whenever he was in doubt about something, he'd take an hour long shower.

He was thinking about the brunette he had fallen madly in love with, the woman carrying her children in her womb. The battered and abused one.

Draco hated the fact that Hermione feared him. He wanted her to love him, as much as he loves her.
Hermione had a reason to fear him. He was ten times stronger than she was, and he had a horribly short temper. When Draco becomes angry, he simply doesn't think straight, which causes him to retaliate harshly, often leaving his poor wife hurt, both physically and emotionally.

Several rooms away, Hermione was sitting, crossed legged on the carpeted floor, stomach bulging. The bruise on her face had disappeared, but Hermione wished that she could say the same thing about the bruise on her side. It was still there, as visible as it was the day she got it. Did Draco hit her that hard?

"Your daddy's just got a short temper, babies. Don't worry, I'll get him to get it under control." Hermione said to her stomach, when she felt the twins move around inside her. She then proceeded to standing up, but fell back down on her bottom when she felt a sharp pain shoot up in her. "Oh Merlin." She breathed.

Hesitantly, she looked down at her pants, and what she say made her weaker than she was. Her sweatpants were soaked by a mysterious clear liquid, which leaked onto the floor as well.

Her water broke.

She felt more pain, as she tried to get up, using the bedside table for support. She wanted to scream, but her throat was dry and sore. Hermione felt hot tears leave her eyes.

Slowly, she limped out of the room, but ended up falling back down when she was five steps away from the bedroom door.
"Help!" She cried out, irritating her painful throat. A figure walked towards her. Who the person was, Hermione had no idea of, since her her eyes were blurry from tears.
"H-help." She whimpered, before everything became black.
"I don't know Delilah, just try your fucking best!" Draco yelled at the blonde in front of her. Delilah released an aggravated sigh, as she ran her fingers through her hair. "It isn't that simple, Draco. She has so many bruises on her body and I'm sure she isn't aware of most of them. But you however, probably have an idea of where they came from. Care to explain?" Delilah asked suspiciously.
Draco was fuming. "What are you insinuating?"
Delilah smirked. "I'm sure you know what I'm insinuating."

Without thinking, Draco wrapped his hands around her neck. "Listen here, bitch. Your place isn't to tell me what I can and can't do with my wife. She's my wife, not yours." Draco growled as Delilah scratched and clawed at his hand. He finally let go of the coughing and spluttering woman, only to receive a slap from her.
Draco was taken aback, rather than hurt by the slap.
"Although Hermione and I are both women, there is a difference between us." She said indignantly.
Draco smirked, not even touching his cheek. "You have the courage that my wife lacks." He said quietly.
"That's why I'll protect her, from you. No woman deserves to be mistreated, especially by the likes of you." Delilah spat, narrowing her eyes at him.

Draco snorted. "It's not mistreatment, it's just disciplining her. Besides that, I treat her like a princess."
There was a scream of pain from the room they were standing in front of.
"How many healers are in there?" Draco questioned.
"Five. And two midwives." Delilah answered. Draco nodded curtly before entering the room, where his wife was currently in labour.
Hermione's breath was slow and calculated as she stared at the tiny bundle in her arms.

Her baby.

The second bundle was in Draco's arms. He was currently holding their daughter.
From the time Hermione was a young girl, she had always been perplexed by the physical features of babies. Everything was just small and bite sized. From their eyes, down to their toes. "They're beautiful aren't they?" Draco said.
Hermione smiled. "Y-yeah."
Draco looked at her. "I'm entrusting you with naming them."
Hermione was shocked. "M-me?" She stammered. Draco nodded.
'Names, names, come on brain, I need names.'
Then it hit her. She found perfect names for them!
"Draco please refrain from shouting. I just got Crystal to sleep." Hermione said with exhaustion in her voice.
"Always with the fucking attitude!" Draco snapped, causing her to flinch. "I wasn't giving you an attitude, honestly." It took every muscle in her body to stop her from rolling her eyes at him. She didn't need another bruise for her collection.

Storm was snoozing happily in his cot, oblivious to what was happening between his parents.
"Please don't swear in the kid's room, Draco."

Whether Draco was intoxicated or not, Hermione had no idea. There was a very little difference between sober and drunk Draco, that difference being that sober Draco was mildly violent and drunk Draco was extremely violent.

Draco's tongue swiped at his bottom lip. "You make it so hard for me not to." He said, before leaving the twin's room, hands in his pocket. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.
Hermione reached into Crystal's cot, stroking her small and innocent face.
Both Crystal and Storm's name's were inspired by their eyes. Their amazing eyes.
Storm's eyes were dark grey in colour, which reminded her of the colour of the clouds during a thunderstorm.

Crystal eyes were a cross between blue and grey, but the unique thing about them is the way they shone, like little crystals.

"Mommy loves you." She whispered, to both babies, before reluctantly leaving the room, the grassy floor tickling her toes.

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