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Qiao Na Feng walked with his brother to the office to obtain his ID card. When they walked in, they were greeted by a bunch of people waiting in line in front of a line of desks. The room itself was fairly large and the high, vaulted ceilings gave the illusion of the room being even bigger. There was a few skylights in the ceiling that brought in some natural light. Overall, if there wasn't such a big group of people, the room would actually look pretty good.

Qiao Na Chao saw Qiao Na Feng looking around the room. "Mother said that this room was designed by the students of this school, so there's a uniqueness to it," he said.

Qiao Na Feng hummed in response and looked around for a shorter line. He found one in the back and pulled Qiao Na Chao over. The guy in front of him was shorter than him, maybe around 160 cm (5'2in). He had shoulder length blond hair that was tied up in a ponytail with a blue headband. His skin was a bit tanned but it only accentuated his toned muscles. He wore loose clothes, completely different from the other people in line who were wearing more formal clothing.

When the boy turned around, Qiao Na Feng saw that he had dark black eyes that made his face more appealing.

Qiao Na Feng stared at him, evaluating in his entire figure while the man studied him too. It looked like they were both engaged in a staring contest until they both heard a small cough. Both boys turned their heads and saw Qiao Na Chao whose hand was covering his mouth as he stared at them, making them realize how rude their behavior was.

The boy smiled apologetically and held out his hand, "Sorry about that."

Qiao Na Feng took his hand and shook it, "I should be apologizing since I started it," he said.

"My name is Hui Wei," he introduce, "What's yours?"

"My name is Qiao Na Feng," Qiao Na Feng answered back politely.

"Qiao Na Feng? Are you perhaps related to the Qiao Family?" He asked curiously.

Qiao Na Feng hummed, "Yes."

"Wow, I knew they had another son but no one has ever seen a picture of him." Hui Wei said as he connected the dots.

"Is that so," Qiao Na Feng didn't really want to delve into this topic any further.

"So are you a starting freshman?" Hui Wei got the hint and changed the topic.

"Yes," Qiao Na Feng nodded his head, feeling appreciative of Hui Wei's wit.

"Me too," Hui Wei laughed, "Are you going to stay in the dorms?"

"No, I have an apartment not far from campus," Qiao Na Feng shook his head.

"Lucky," Hui Wei sighed, "I've never had to share a room in my life so I hope my roommates aren't annoying."

Qiao Na Feng hummed again in response. The line was shorter now. There was only one person in front of them. Qiao Na Chao was nowhere to be seen. Qiao Na Feng had no idea where he ran off too.

Both boys checked in and received their IDs before making their way outside where they saw even more people filing into the building.

"Oh, I forgot to ask. What department are you going into?" Hui Wei asked.

"Fashion," Qiao Na Feng answered simply. He felt that Hui Wei was good person so he didn't hide too much from him.

"I heard that industry is brutal, good luck." Hui Wei patted him on the shoulders, "I'm going into architecture," he said proudly.

Qiao Na Feng nodded his head and was about to say something when Qiao Na Chao walked over with a phone next to his ear.

"Yes, just deal with it for now. I'll be there soon," Qiao Na Feng heard him talk into the cell phone before he hung up. He had a crease on his forehead as if he was deep in thought.

"Xiao Feng, let's go. I have to go to the company," Qiao Na Chao said as he walked over to the car and got in. Qiao Na Feng followed behind him and got into the passenger seat.

Hui Wei whistled when he saw the car, "That's a really nice car," he said enviously, "Anyway, I'll try to catch you tomorrow," Hui Wei laughed as he waved at Qiao Na Feng.

Qiao Na Feng nodded his head as Qiao Na Chao stepped on the gas pedal. When they arrived back to the condo, there was another car waiting for them.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Qiao Na Chao said as he transferred to the other car.

"Okay," Qiao Na Feng said. He was a bit curious at what made his usually stoic brother so troubled, but he knew that Qiao Na Chao would tell him later so he put this incident off to the back of his mind.

He walked back into the condo and went up the elevator to his room. All the furniture was in place so it looked much more full and welcoming compared to how it was before. Qiao Na Feng walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw that it was stocked with food.

Qiao Na Feng decided that he was going to make a simple meal of noodles and bowl of white rice. His cooking skills couldn't be described as transcending the level of master chef but it was still fairly decent. It was enough to keep himself sustained and that was all that mattered.

After he ate, he took a long bath and went to sleep early so he could be ready for the start of school in the morning.

The next day, Qiao Na Feng woke up bright and early. He looked at the clock sitting on his bedside table and saw that he had about an hour before first period started. Although this was a specialty college, students still had to take the mandatory core classes.

Qiao Na Feng got out of bed and did a few morning stretches before he took a shower. When he was done, he walked into his house-sized closet and searched for an outfit to wear.

After a few minutes of looking, he finally pulled out an outfit that consisted of a pink, short-sleeved, button-up, shirt that had a white collar. Black jeans that was held together by a black belt and black dress shoes. He then went to a mirror and combed his hair back. Coming from and working with people who were in professions that relied on looks, Qiao Na Feng always strived to look his best.

After he dressed, Qiao Na Feng ate a quick breakfast and drove off to his first class on his first day.

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