This Moment

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Your phone is ringing
his voice fills the air
as he leaves another message
but you just can't find a reason to care

because you're wrapped in my arms
and I'm holding you tight
and your tears are all dried
and everything is alright

and this moment is one you wish could last forever
cause I've always been there
and he's barely ever

And this moment
Is one you wish could last forever
because here you are safe
safe from prying eyes
people who will lie

And this moment is one
you wish could last forever
because I've always
understood you
I know you inside and out, I know you better

And this moment is one
we wish could last forever! But it won't because
we aren't meant to be together

but this moment will hold forever
In our minds
In our memories

because when you get married
to a man dressed in black and white
You'll think back to this memory
and you'll say, "I do"
With thoughts lingering on me and you.

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