Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I'm still  not a best selling author named Richard Russell Riordan, Jr. aka Uncle Rick. Thus, I own nothing.

Third Person POV

When they got to the Poseidon cabin, everyone was there and waiting. Leo and Cecil wolf whistled when Nico stepped into the room, but stopped when Nico gave them a death glare. Percy barely got out "Why..." before he collapsed into giggles. Reyna slapped him and shot Nico a sympathetic glance. Blushing, Nico snapped, "I'm behind on laundry, alright? This was my only clean shirt." He flopped down between Hazel and Will and crossed his arms. Will brightened even more (if that was possible) and gave Nico a cute little grin.

Annabeth cleared her throat. "Who wants to go first?"

Percy raised his hand and said, "I will."

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"That's not what I meant, but whatever. Dare."

She got an evil look on her face. "I dare you to smear toothpaste all over your legs."

Percy groaned. "That's going to be impossible to get off, you know."

"I know."

When Percy got done, he dared Leo to stuff as many monkey wrenches as he could into his mouth (he got up to four, then admitted defeat). Leo then dared Frank to write "TEAM LEO" on his forehead with a permanent marker, and Frank, being a nice person, asked Hazel what her biggest fear was (she whispered the answer in Frank's ear, which made him blush). This went on for some time, and Nico pretty much just tuned out until Percy turned to him with a smirk and asked, "Truth or dare, Neeks?"


Percy's grin widened when he said, "I dare you to sit on Will's lap for the rest of the night."

Nico turned the color of a stop sign and all the shadows in the room started leaning toward him, like they were going to swallow him up. Finally, he just muttered, "You're an asshole" and climbed onto Will's lap. Will looked overjoyed and wrapped his arms around Nico in a hug. Nico glowered at everyone, but you could see the tiny smile tugging at his lips. He snuggled down in his new seat and calmly said to Annabeth, "Truth or dare?"

AN: I just love the idea of Nico in a lime green tank top. 

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