This Ends Now

Depuis le début

Ares gets back up to his feet and says "Your no god, your just a child."

He hits Atreus in the gut with a powerful punch, the boy coughing out blood still in pain. Ares turned his attention to Calliope, but she was petrified to even move. Ares grabbed the young girl by the throat, she was trying to get air. She was being choked, before Ares was about to hit her in the face, he was shocked by electrified arrows, Ares drops Calliope and gets away from the god of war very quickly.

Ares looks at a very weak Atreus, then the boy falls to the ground on his stomach, and says with a chuckle "Well that was about all that I had left.I 'm all out of ideas."


With that said Ares threw his spear, it heads for Atreus
The boy closed his eyes but he was moved out of the way in time, when he opened his eyes again and saw Calliope at the same spot where he was before. She still stood there, Atreus tried to moved his body but it was too late. The spear hits Calliope in the heart, she falls to the ground on her back.

"CALLIOPE!" Atreus, Kratos, and Lysandra all say in a yell.

Y-n felt something snap inside of her and tears poured out like a rainstorm. The gods with her kept her held down and could only guess what was going on out at the area. Atreus quickly made his way to Calliope, on his knees, he pulls out the spear from her heart. He puts his arm under her back to nearly picks her up but still her legs are still on ground.

"Look at me Calliope, stay with me. Please." Atreus says with tears in his eyes.

"It's alright Atreus, fighting - along side you was the greatest moments of my life." Calliope says with tears while trying to get air but she couldn't

"Stop talking Calliope, save your energy. It's just going to make it worse..." Atreus says.

"You were a good friend to me Atreus, you and y-n both. But theirs no words to describe how much you - mean to me, now go stop Ares do it for me and y-n. Unleash the power within you from your heart, don't -let him -win. Do whatever - it takes -stop him. Please..." Calliope says putting her hand gently on Atreus's face on his right side and she let's her final air go out.

She slowly faded away closing her eyes, heart beat slowing down, in seconds later she died and a part of Atreus died as well on the inside of his heart. A strom appears, rain drops falling from the sky, lighting strikes down at the battlefield.

"I told you I would break you, now you have one person left, and tell me boy, what were you the god of again?" Ares asked with an evil grin on his face, he wanted that h-c girl at his feet, dead.

Atreus eyes glazed to pure red with fury, he grunts in anger. This time red electricity surrounded his body until a few seconds later, he was angry for what Ares had just done to Calliope, for what he would do to his mate and baby. The boy yelled in fury and his full power was unleashed once again.

"So you've finally showed your true power. If you join me, we can kill all the gods and nothing will stop us." Ares said with a chuckle.

"Never." Atreus says with anger, then he looks at Calliope's body.

He puts his hand on her chest to give her some his power to heal her wound, and seconds later her wound rapidly healed and she was able to breath once again.

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