Departed [NIALL HORAN]

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The weather was the perfect replica of my emotions as I drove through the English countryside to an unknown place I was about to call home. The rain fell softy, drizzling on the hood of my car in the foggy day. Driving alone scared me as it was, let alone the circumstances I was under. I would usually have some guidance as to where I was going if my parents were here. But they weren't, so I was going to have to deal with it. 

Deal with it. How was I going to do that? One day, happily sunbathing in the sunny weather of Malibu, my mum most likely painting down in the basement, my dad probably working his butt off in his office in the city. The next day, gone. Everything I ever knew and loved was taken away from me within seconds, leaving me with nothing and nowhere to go but my rich uncle's mansion somewhere in the UK. 

I didn't even know where I was.

I guess this was how it was meant to be for me. Having to live off this man I had never met in my life (occasionally heard of in stories my mother told me as the well off relative that lives in England), until I could completely support myself and find away back home. Back to Malibu.

Turning my windscreen wipers on a higher level in an attempt to clear the rain, I turned off onto a little dirt road, highlighted on my sat nav as the way to Harvey Mansion. Hopefully the place isn't as creepy as it sounds. 

I started to wonder what my new life would be like; where the nearest city is for me to get a job, who I'll be living with in this mansion. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that my Celine Handbag and Givenchy necklace will probably be completely out of place in this old fashioned mansion. Time to kiss my high-end material goods goodbye, they probably won't be allowed here.

I drove for another 10 minutes down this little dirt road; cautious as to how fast I was going so I didn't swerve off the road and kill myself too. Although, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. At least the pain would go away.

My now home slowly came into view through the fog, and I noticed the garden building up along the sides of the road. I came to a gate, unsure of whether or not I had to get out and open it myself. I groaned at the thought, not wanting my Chanel makeup to run off my face before introducing myself to my uncle. Thankfully the gate opened automatically and I continued to drive towards the huge house. 

The road turned from dirt to gravel, slowing my pace even more before coming to a stop In front of the large entrance. I was unsure of where to park; the whole area seemed to be surrounded by hedges and small trees. 

I waited in the car for a few seconds as I double checked my makeup and took a few deep breaths. I needed to calm down a bit before I entered this strangely new world, also preparing myself for the rain that was about to soak my clothing.

Just as I was about to open the door of my custom made car, the front entrance opened to reveal several men, none of which being my uncle as I assumed they were all servants of some sort. 

One of them came up to my car and peeked inside. 

"We can take it from here, Miss," he yelled through the window as he tapped on it. I cringed as several of the servants opened the back of the car to remove my packed belongings, each rushing to avoid getting them wet from the rain. 

Another servant came around to the car door on my side, opening it and allowing me to get out. He did not say a word as he held an umbrella over my head as I made my way to the entrance.

This was it. I was standing in the doorway gazing helplessly into my new home. A lot more modern than I first assumed, that being a creepy old place that was covered in dust and lit by candle light. The staircase started about 20 meters in front of the entrance, and the white marble wound its way up and around the high walls. I dropped my bags, suddenly feeling very alone and unsure despite having servants standing scattered throughout the room. What was I meant to do now? I didn't have a room; I didn't know anyone and had no idea who my uncle was. Thankfully, my question was answered as a man with a skinny face and well-kept moustache rounded a corner, looking extremely professional in a nicely ironed suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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