She turned around to see none other than Dean, looking handsome.

She smiled back at him gently.

"Hey," he started, moving closer to her.

"Hi," she said.

"So I just wanted to apologize for the other day, I didn't know about you being mated to the alpha, as I would never disrespect him or you that way," he finished.

Venus shook her head smiling.

"It's okay, it was a genuine mistake, it's all forgotten so don't worry about all that, anyway I hope you're enjoying yourself," venus said.

"Well that's a relief I must say, and yes I'm thoroughly enjoying myself, so tell me, how are you doing?" Dean asked.

"That's good, and I'm doing great thank you, what about you?"

"Yeah, I'm doing good too,"

"Hey, i was wondering if y-," Dean got cut off when a few pups bumped into him, making him fall straight towards Venus.

They both bumped into each other and then fell onto the grass.

"Sorry V," Jack, an 8-year-old called out, giggling with the rest.

Venus laughed while standing up.

And that's how Dante found them, standing very close to each other, laughing.

"Venus," he ground out.

Venus looked up to see her mate, looking anything but happy.

Giving Dean a murderous look, oh no.

She nudged him, signaling him to leave. And he understood and left awkwardly.

Venus walked towards Dante cautiously,

"Dante," she called out softly.

He reached out and grasped onto her hips and pulled her flush against him, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck and inhaling deeply, growling lowly in his throat.

She sighed and ran her hands through his hair, calming him down.

"You know I don't want him right?" She asked softly.

Dante pulled back and looked at her, his eyes blank.

She leaned up on her toes and placed a kiss on his jaw, then wrapped her hands around him and pulled him with her towards the large table that was now full of mouthwatering food.

They sat next to each other, Knox and Sophia in front of them and Gabriel and James on their side.

Dean sitting a few chairs away from them, and there was still a little tension between them

Sometime during the meal Dean would pass smiles to Venus which she would kindly return.

It was while she was enjoying her dessert that Venus felt a large warm hand placed on her knee, startled she looked down to see Dantes tattooed hand, and she looked up at him to see he was casually conversing with the elders of the pack.

She blinked.

She shifted in her seat and tried to pry his hand away but the stubborn alpha refused.

"Dante stop it," she hissed under her breath.

A few seconds later his hand traveled up and settled on her thigh.

Her breath hitched and she froze.

Dante slowly and deliberately started making circles with his thumb onto her smooth skin, her body heated up.

His hand was large enough to cup her thigh, and she prayed to the moon goddess that her arousal would not embarrass her.

His hand slowly, almost teasingly reached further up, and Venus looked up at him to see him be as calm as ever as if he was not feeling her under the table.

She tried pinching his hand but he didn't flinch.

His touch was branding, claiming.

His hand moved further and was dangerously close to her core.

She leaned forward and stuffed her face with the chocolate mousse to stop herself from moaning out loud.

He was a hair-breath away from her dripping core, without realizing she let out a soft moan, which only thankfully Dante heard.

He whipped around and looked at her, eyes dark.

Pure unconcealed desire.

Without telling her he pulled his chair back, pulled her with him, and walked towards the house with long powerful strides.

Leaving half the back startled and some left smirking with knowing looks on their faces.

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