chapter five

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Again I updated late am really sorry,I have been very busy with school and other surf,plus am the queen off procrastination,IFY am not proud of it..

Enjoy my lovers💗💗💗

Please vote and can dm me too if you ya💞💞💞.

niniola's p.o.v

I know how everything will end in there.
Anita would explain everything to him,from the top to bottom,then look at him with her soulful honey brown eyes,then Lawrence being the most kind hearted man I know,he will say.

"baby,I want you to know,no matter what the thing is that you do,you can always tell me,I will forgive you,even if the child isn't mine I will always love you,I want to be with you forever,it doesn't matter". then he will kiss her on the four head.

I heard a bold voice from behind me,he was probably talking to somebody,but he taped me.I turn over dramatically, and gave him a weird smile.

"can I help you sir"..

"I tried not to check him out but he lips is the sexiest,he had pink dock lips and they where wet almost glossy,he licked them and smiled back at me,he had dimple it's so deep that even when his lips move it shows,oh his lip is moving what the hell is he saying,snap out of it niniola.

Are you a relative to miss anita?.he asked looking worried for me,almost like he felt I needed medical care.

"yes sir she's my friend".I tried my best to sound responsible.y'all should remind me not to take alcohol ever again".

"well we need someone close to a relative to sign some document for her to be discharged".

her finance is in with her,maybe he should sign then.I gave him a go ahead to enter and he did followed by a nurse I entered lastly and Lawrence did sign it.

the doctor checked her and asked for them to discharge her by noon.he prescribed some drugs for her and left the place.

he smiled at me before leaving, if my mother had brought this kind of man for me to marry,shabi i would have gladly ran to his arms.

kunle's voice brought me back from my stupid imagination.

niniola, thank you so much,for taking care of her,I will be on my way now.

he kissed her on the forehead and left the room,he looked really angry,but still had that smile on his face.

"So tell me what did he say?".I asked her anxiously.

"Well he said he suspected it,when he came to the house to carry me the next day but he didn't want to ask me,he forgave me though,but his really angry with Vincent now,I think his going to his house."she look really happy since she told kunle and me about the affair.

I told her about,the surprise my mom pulled on me yesterday,she kept laughing at me,I could feel how relieved she is now.

Vincent p.o.v

I couldn't stay relaxed,I continued pacing,left and right in my living room.

God knows how scared I am now,I could here my heart beat really fast.

I really out did myself here,I was not in my right senses.

Since I was diagnosed of Bipolar disorder(mental illness).my life has become a mess,I thought I wouldn't be able to achieve anything,so am always on constant drugs,till I became addicted to it,I couldn't tell anyone about it,my parents thought my constant anger and emotional displacement was because of stress at work or my relationships.i kept it away from everyone including kunle.

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