How you met

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You smiled as you watched the giant man sit down opposite you. He made eye contact and sent you a quick smile. After about 15 minutes of glances, you finally say"Hi I'm Bailey!" He smiled and replied"Uh Luther!" 


You grew up together so............ 


You smiled at the girl as started the scene. You watched in awe of how talented she was. After she had finished her audition she announced"Thank you...." She paused waiting for your name and you said"Olivia!" She smiled and said"Olivia!" 


You were sat drawing the scene when a voice says"You're very good!" You turned and blushed at the attractive man."Thanks I'm Alexis!" He sat down next to you and replied"Klaus!" 


You were with a group of your friends from school when you see a boy staring at you from across the cafe. You walked up to him and said"Hi I'm Natasha!" He smirked and said"I'm Five!" You nodded and said"From the umbrella academy?" He nodded and went to say something else when a man wearing leather said with a smirk"Who is your friend?" You smiled and said"Natasha!" 


You grew up together 


You were sat drinking at a bar when a girl sits next to you. She's very awkward which makes you smile and you say"Hi Im Bella!" She replied quietly"Vanya!" 

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