"Not for fucking long," I think in my head.

        "You need to learn to keep your word darling," he continues before fumbling with the few rings on his fingers. "If you wanna kill me...fucking do it already. No one is stopping you except for yourself because you are scared of what may happen. But darling you drew this upon yourself. If you would have just stayed with me, none of this would have happened. If you just handed yourself over...you could have prevented a lot of things from happening. But no. You are too strong willed to even consider such an idea. And I applaud you for that Mari. But eventually people like you will finally get tired of fighting, and will hand themselves over. I'm just waiting for that to happen to you darling."

        "Has it ever occurred to you that I'm not like every one else?" I respond to him. "You think you have everything all planned out don't you?"

        "I'm pretty sure I do sweetheart. I'm the king at winning games. Everything works out the way I plan it to sweetheart, it's just how everything works. I thought and...well-hoped you would have realized that by now."

        "I'm glad that we are finally getting to actually have a nice conversation with each other Damon," I say sarcastically as a smirk threatens to spread across my lips. "I wanted to really tell you that Brad is unfortunately no longer with us and is currently rotting at the bottom of hell right now."

         I watch as Damon's eyes stare intensely into mine and I only feel satisfied by the reaction I am receiving out of him right now. I watch as he clenches his fists so tightly that his knuckles are a ghostly white and his jaw is dangerously locked.

         "What?" I say while raising my eyebrow at him and letting out a small laugh. "Cat got your tongue?" I quickly switch the camera around so that Damon can see Brad's lifeless and colorless corpse laying on the ground beneath my feet. "Pretty disturbing huh?" I say through my teeth. "Just imagine your parents lying on the floor with blood oozing out of both of their bodies just like poor Brad here," I say and tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. Memories of that night flash through my mind very quickly and I gulp nervously. Despite my want and desire to let the tears fall, I hold them back with all my strength. Damon will no longer have control over me. I'm done with his fucking bullshit. "You know I applaud you Damon," I say before flipping the camera again so that he can see my face. "Even in Brad's last few moments of life, he still kept his allegiance to you. He didn't reveal any information that could be proven to be useful to me once so ever. He was loyal to you wasn't he? You trusted him with every single ounce of information that could be used against me huh?"Damon continues to stare at me with eyes full of pure hatred and I have realized that I have pushed his buttons the exact way I wanted to. "How does it feel to know that your trusted sidekick died at the hands of myself?" I growl. "Do you feel the same remorse and emptiness as you did when Natalia's brains were blown out of her body?"

        "ENOUGH!" Damon roars before slamming his fist, with as much force as he possibly can on the wooden desk in front of him. "You think you have some sort of fucking power over me now Mari?" he hisses, his words laced with so much hate. "HUH?!" he shouts before slamming his fist down hard on the desk again. He bares his teeth at me and his eyes are illuminated with rage and are complete pools of black-the darkest I have ever seen them before. "Well you fucking don't!"he continues to shout. "I cannot wait to fucking watch you suffer," he growls. "Just wait until I get my hands on you and wrap my hand around that small throat of yours. One good squeeze and snap!" he says before snapping his fingers. "It's just that fucking easy." Suddenly I watch as Damon gets up and picks up the phone with one of his hands. "I have someone I would love to show you," he says before a sinister smile creeps upon his slightly chapped lips.

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