"What are you doing Shan?" I choked back a giggle as he ran his tongue along my chin, cleaning up the rest of the syrup.

"You taste very sweet Lexy." He winked and then pushed me back to my seat.

I checked my watch, knowing I'd have to check in with Jared at some point this morning. When I saw the time I was amazed he hadn't left me a string of messages. Our brunch was definitely more lunch than breakfast.

"Shan, give me a minute. I need the bathroom." I pushed back my chair, making sure my phone was in my pocket.

I closed the door to the cubicle and called Jared. He answered almost immediately.

"How's the tension this morning my lovely?" he asked, bringing back memories of last night and his massage.

"It's fine thanks J. I've left Shan in the coffee shop and I'm sat on a toilet talking to you, so let's make this quick. Am I still bringing him to your place later?"

"Nope! I've changed plans. Mom's been delayed, so we're going to meet her downtown for some food and then make our way back up here.

"Emma and Shayla are taking care of things this end, so you just enjoy the day with Shannon."

"Thanks Jared. We'll see you later anyway."

" Lexy ... before you go .... I know this has been a job... but thanks for all your hard work."

He paused for what seemed like an eternity. I was just about to say something when I heard his voice; it was a barely audible whisper. "Babe I hope we're all OK. I mean the three of us."

I breathed deeply, not expecting to have to deal with these feeling so early on in the day.

He continued: "I know it's not easy to talk about, but .... I know you're with Shannon ... and I know you love him ..."

I could feel my palm starting to glisten as I held on to the phone. "Carry on J," I encouraged, wondering what he wanted to say.

"I don't open up this easily Lexy. I suppose what I want to say is that I have feelings for you. I'm here for you and Shannon.

"Let's leave it there before I say anything else," he muttered before the line went dead.

I pulled back my chair and sat down, reaching out to take Shan's hand in mine. While I rubbed my thumb along his palm, we discussed plans for the rest of the day. I mentioned that Jared had been in touch about the change of plans, so we figured that into the day as well.

"So what do you wanna do for the next few hours?" he asked, draining the last dregs of coffee from the mug.

"Well, I've been thinking ... and ... will you take me shopping for a dress to wear tonight? I need something to wear if I'm gonna meet your mom."

"And you haven't got anything in your wardrobe, of course," he smirked, dodging a smack on the arm.

"Oh Shan, you know what I mean. I just want to look nice that's all. Come on. Come and help me choose. I promise it'll be fun."

"OK OK! I give in. It's my birthday, so I'll take you shopping."

We paid the bill and headed out. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I'd had my eye on a dress in this tiny boutique for ages now but had never had the courage to even cross the threshold. It looked far too Hollywood glitz. But this dress had been catching my eye for weeks now and I desperately wanted to try it on. Perhaps with Shannon by my side, I'd feel easier facing the stick-thin model sales girls.

It was only a ten-minute walk from the coffee shop and I smiled as he pushed open the boutique door as if he owned the place. God I wish I had that confidence.

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