"hey fat bitch, shouldn't you be off singing some gay ass songs?" she sneered

donghyuck rolled his eyes "shouldn't you be catching another disease off a dick" he sassed

marks eyes widened in surprise, he was shocked at this side of donghyuck

"whatever cocksucker" she huffed, flipping her long hair and wobbling off on her heels

"uh are-" mark began to ask

"don't worry, that dumb bitch doesn't affect me" donghyuck waved off "uh i've gotta go now"

the boy made his way down the hall with his friends by his side, not hearing marks suggestion to hang out sometime

mark turned on his heels, stalking towards the class, ignoring the angry speech from the teacher and sitting down next to jeno

why was he acting so nervous around the boy?

why did he want to 'hang out'?

sighing he drooped onto the desk, deciding to actually pay attention


donghyuck dragged himself into the bustling cafeteria, exhausted after the hectic day he went through, locating his friends at the table and made his way over

as he neared he noticed two additional figures

a smiling jeno and a bored mark on his phone

it was like the world was forcing more and more possible embarrassment onto him

he sat down, receiving no acknowledgement from his friends who were captivated by whatever story he was telling

he glanced over to mark who seemed to be ignoring everything, giving his prized attention to his dimly lit phone

from the concentrated look on his face and his fast-moving fingers, donghyuck decided it would be better not to disturb him

but as fate would have had planned someone else would

swooping in like a screeching pterodactyl mina latched her clawed hands onto marks shoulders shaking him violently

"minghyungie, why aren't you sitting over with me, i wan-"

she was cut off by a deep gasp followed by a low shout

"get your fucking hands off me" mark shouted, hands flying up to his injured shoulder which was now screeching in pain

teeth clenched in pain he gripped onto the table

jeno stopped mid-sentence, looking at his friend in shock, then glaring at the confused girl

"can't you keep your hands off him," he said, rushing to assist mark in standing

"oh my god, minhyungie, let me take you to the nurse's office" she shrieked grabbing at him but missing as he took a step back

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