Part 9: Lost Souls

Comincia dall'inizio

"Alexander says he wants to play too!" Cheerfully said Nina.

"So, that's what you want is it?"

Alex managed to push Alexander off as he stood up.

"You've bested me twice dog, but, play time is over. I will not loss this time! I Alex Mustang will use my powers to vanquish you. YOU DAMN MUT!" Shouted Alex as he chased after Alexander as the dog ran away as Nina laughed at this while Nepgear sweat dropped.

Later That Day At Sunset

"Excuse me Mr. Alex and Ms. Lady Nepgear. Your ride is here." Said a Planeptune Basilicom Worker as he and Tucker both opened the door to see Nepgear standing over Nina as he rested on top of Alexander who was on top of, yep.

You guessed it.

None other than Alex.

"What're you up to down there Mr. Alex?"

"Um, let's just say that I'm taking a break from a long day of research." He said as he moved Alexander off and stood up.

"After all that you must be dog tired." Said Tucker as Alex just sweat dropped at Tucker's not so subtle joke as Tucker chuckled.

"Why don't you two come back tomorrow?" Tucker said as Nina's eyes immediately lit up as she went up to Nepgear.

"Your really gonna come again!?"

"We'll play some more tomorrow. Okay Nina?" Asked Nepgear.

"Okay!" She said excitedly.

Eventually Alex and Nepgear left the house as the Planeptune Guard stopped and went to Tucker.

"Don't forget Mr. Tucker. Assessment day is almost here."

"Right. I know."

The guard walked off as Tucker closed the doors.

"Hey daddy?" Asked Nina as Tucker turned around and saw Nina.

"What does Assessment Day mean?"

Tucker then turned to his Pocket Watch as he spoke.

"State Alchemists need to report their research once a year in order to keep their certification."

Tucker then walked up to Nina.

"You see last year Nina your daddy didn't get a very good evaluation. If I don't do something really impressive then I won't be a State Alchemist anymore."

"Huh!? No! You'll do just fine daddy! I know you will! Your always studying so much!"

Tucker kneeled down to be on even level with Nina as he hugged her.

"Your right Nina. I need to try hard."

'Or we'll be left with nothing, again. ' Thought Tucker.

The Next Day

"Hm? Your mother left two years ago?" Asked Nepgear.

"Daddy said she went to go live back with her parents." Nina said.

"It must get quite lonely with just you and your dad living in this large house huh?"

"No. Not really. Daddy's really nice and plus I got Alexander to play with too." Said Nina as she ruffled Alexander's head before getting a sad face.

"But, lately daddy's been studying in his lab all the time. I guess that does make me a little not lonely." She said as Alex remembered all the times he and his parents always spent time together.

Birth To The Flame: OriginDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora